15 Poisonous Plants, part 2 Flashcards
(G) Plants with atropine-like alkaloids
Deadly nightshde (Atropa belladona)
These all contain atropine or atropine-like alklaoidsd such as hyoscyamine and scopolamine
Treatment of Belladona alkaloids
Largely supportive
Physostigmine (inhibits cholinesterase; patients improve faster)
AVOID antipsychotics such as haloperidol to prevent further antimuscarinic activity
(H) Antimitotic alklaoids
Autumn crocus
Glory lily
contain colchicine
Mayapple plant
contains podophyllotoxin
(I) plants that contain calcium oxalate
Elephant’s ear
Clinical features of ingestion of plants containing calcium oxalate
Ingestion causes immediate oropharyngeal pain and swelling.
In serious caes, the swelling can involve upper airway structures and cause respiratory compromise due to obstruction
(J) Cyanogenic plants
Prunus spp (e.g., pears, apples, plums, peaches, apricots)
Prunus plants contain
amygdalin, found in nonfruit portion
Cassava contains
linamarin and lotaustralin
MOA of capsaicin
enhances the release of substance P from small unmyelinated nerve fibers, which stimulate nociceptors that cause the sensation of burning or heat
Pokeweed contains
Phytolaccatoxin and similar phytotoxins in the leaves and roots
Toxicity may cause n/v, hemorrhagic gastritis, and profuse diarrhea that may last for 48 hours
Phytolacca americana
Remarks on pokeweed
Pokeweed is the most commonly ingested toxic plant lectins in the US. (Goldfrank)
When detoxicification via boiling is not followed, as in preparation of poke salad or pokeroot tea, violent GI effects can ensue 0.5-6 hours after ingestion. N/V, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, hemorrhagic gastritis, and death may occur. (Goldfrank)
Phytolaccatoxin are found in all plant parts, but the highest concentration are found in the plant root. (Goldfrank)
Phytolaccine is a powerful gastrointestinal irritant (ScienceDirect)
This causes Jamaican vomiting sickness
Ackee fruit that grows on the Blighia sapida tree
Contains Hypoglycin A
- inhibits fatty acids from entering the mitochondria
- impairs substrate formation for gluconeogenesis
- prevents conversion of glutamate to GABA
Remarks on Jamaican Vomiting sickness
Treat seizures liberally with benzodiazepines
Seizures may be refractory to benzodiazepines if GABA concentrations are critically low
Lychee contains
Hypoglycin A
This contains saponins
Holly (Ilex spp.)
saponins are glycosides that cause abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea
These plants can cause allergic contact dermatitis
Poison ivy
contains antigenic resin urushiol
common foods with urushiol-like compounds