15 point training tool Flashcards
Being a “pro” is more than credentials, diplomas, and certificates. True professionalism is…
Characterized by behavior and attitude
A primary orientation to public and community interest:
professionals will do whatever is necessary to serve and protect the patient and his or her family
A high degree of self-control and ethical standards:
Professionals seldom lose their cool. You won’t often see true professionals whine, gripe, or roll their eyes
A heavy emphasis on,
excellence and good service: They do their best to do their best-always
An obvious commitment to,
honesty and integrity; they do the right thing, even when doing so brings great challenge or even high personal cost
An inward satisfaction over a job well done:
professionals aren’t primarily motivated by their paychecks
A commitment to improve skills and staying current in their fields:
They become lifelong learners who are always curious and searching for a better way to do things
An active role in developing standards for the practice:
Professionals are leaders among fellow employees. They promote both the company’s and individual coworkers’ well-being
An exemplary representative of the practice and the medical profession:
Folks they come into contact with think more highly of the practice and the profession because of them
An excellent ability to communicate:
if not a natural trait, professionals work. especially hard to acquire the skills to get. the point across clearly and effectively
A noticeable dislike for gossip and uninformed criticism:
you won’t find professionals spreading rumors or sniping at others -on or off the job
An attention to projecting a professional image in both appearance and behavior:
They use appropriate tone in speech, avoid foul language, and pay attention to dress and personal grooming
An outstanding attendance record:
They show up. They don’t abuse sick leave or personal time off. They arrive on time and sometimes stay late to ensure the job gets done
A willingness to accept responsibility for their actions or criticism:
You won’t find professionals looking for someone else to blame for their mistakes
An unwavering respect for privacy and confidentiality:
They don’t break confidences. they don’t tell secrets- not even to “just one” other person
A thoughtful decisiveness:
They weigh the options, make a decision, and move on