15: Musculoskeletal Imaging Flashcards
Deciding on modalities for imaging
Body part of interest DDx Age Pt Hx Cost of exam radiaiton dose availability
Guidelines for choosing a modality
Whats the clinical question
What test will mostly likely answer this question
If more than one will work: which is safest and cost effective?
What do we search for in imaging
fractures, hardware fail, calcifications, tumors, degenerative arthritis
Hardware, joints, bones, soft tissues
Pitfalls of musculoskeletal radiology
wrong study/ poor quality satisfaction of search/ timing of exam/ lack of correlation btwn image findings and clincial findings
embedded w/in a tendon where the tendon passes over a joint
sesamoid bone
Key points for a DDx
Vindicate Vascular/infection/ neoplasm/ drugs/ inflamatory/ congenital/autoimune/ trauma/ endocrine
Benign vs malinant
Benign: lesion well circumscribed, no soft mass, no periosteal involvement.
Malignant: no nice margins, goes out of bone, soft mass around it is fluffly and is periosteal rxn
Codmans triangle
seen in matrix and periosteal reactions; periosteum is pushing out
non malignant but cause pain and look suspicious on xray; Aunt Minnie
crest syndrome is on DIPs
Soft tissue hemangiomas in
seen in joints: knee, elbow, ankle, wrist, fingers
If you see fat and blood in joint and the are different layers could be
lipohemarthrosis: there was a break in the bone and marrow leaked out. once you see it, you should think there is a fracture somewhere
Transverse fracture of proximal diaphysis of 5th metatarsal base, outside of joint. hard to heal and need to follow up with ortho
Jone frx
intrareticular joint frx through the first metacarpal bone at base of the thumb, needs a pin… hard to heal
Rolando fracture
bone fracture which occurs when a fragment of bone tears away from the main mass of bone as a result of physical trauma
Avulsion fracture
avulsion fracture (soft tissue structures tearing off bits of their bony attachment) of the lateral tibial condyle of the knee, immediately beyond the surface which articulates with the femur.
Segond Fracture
see osteophytes, asymmetric joint loss and predictable pattern
Osteoarthritis (most common arthritis)
Rheumatiod, Seronegative syndromes and deposition diesease all examples of
inflammatory arthritis
Gout and pseudogout are examples of
deposition diseases
Good for initial exam of many musculoskeletal complaints but often limited: you can eval most every part of body with this but has varying sensitivity.
Pros of radiographs
cheap, readily available, many different views and techniques, good initial test
Cons of radiographs
radiation dose, limited sensitivty, doesn’t work on all areas equally
allows real time eval of structures and can be used intra operatively, to set fractures and guide procedures
Used a lot for intervential radiology, GI and GU radiology, lumbar punctures, joint injections and biopsies
Pros of Fluroscopy
allows real time eval, procedural guidance, placement of needles, tubes, stents and catheters
Cons of Fluroscopy
radiation exposure, image quality is limited
Very cost effective and no radiation when doing a musculoskeleteal system eval
Used to guide procedures, biopsies, aspirations, joint injections; also to eval tendons and ligaments
Use it to eval cortical surface of bone for erosions in disease like RA
Pros of Ultrasound
no radiation, portable, take up little space, no special prep
Cons of ultrasound
use dependent and can’t eval all structures
Used to eval for further and characterize osseous lesions and fractures, to eval for superficial and deep infections, eval post traumatic and devo deformities
Can look at soft tissues but not that great
Pros of CT
fast and available, covers lots of anatomy, great for procedures
Cons of CT
over utilized, $$, meta artifacts, radiation dose
Gold standard for eval of muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints as well as eval of cortical bone and marrow
Pros of MRI
great soft tissue detail, no radiation, images in any plane
Cons of MRI
$$$, long exams, metal artifacts, claustrophobia
less anatomy driven and more of a focus on physiology and function
Nuclear medicine
radioactive material injected into patient and imaging shows distribution in the body
Nuclear medicine
Pros of Nuclear medicine
Provides functional data, can direct future radiolgy exams, high sensitiviy
Cons of nuclear medicine
poor anatomic detail, radiation dose, low specificity, $$$