15 - Economic influences Flashcards
a measure of the countrys total output of oods and services over a period of time
economic boom
high rates of ecenomic growth and production
* low unemployment
* high profits
* high inflation
* shortages of supply
impact on busines decisions : ecenomic boom
frims may want to expand into new markets
incrtease recruitment
cost reductions may be sougth after
ecenomic recession
output starts to fall and growth declines
prodcution and demand falls
government will use strats to stimulate grwoth
consumer/business confidence will fall
impact on business decisions: recession
market penetration srats becoem attractive due to low risk
businesses stock pile products
may try to increase efficiency and reduce costs such as introducing flexible hours
- prolonged period of ecenomic decline
- high levels of unemployment
- low interest rates
- low investment and spendings
- high rates of business failure
effect on business decisions : slump
- mat begin to adopt rationalsiation (sell assets or redundnacies)
- may redcue prices and focus on more profitable prodcuts
- may decide to stop trading in certain markets
ecenomic recovery
eceonomy starts to pick up after a period of decline
increased consumer confidence
business’ start to invest or take on emplooyees
spare cpacity is used up
effects on business deicisons :recovery
business’ take on new employees
investments rise
new start up businesses
decisions focused on increasing prodcutivity
the exchange rate
the price of one currency in relation to another
effect of exchange rates on deciison making
- businesses may choose to target markest when exchange rates to their country are favoruable
- businesses will try to avoid uncertainty when exchangerates are volatile
effect of interest rates on importers
- may switch international suppliers when exchange rates are unfavoruable
- may stockpile raw materials when currency is strong
effect of interest rates on exporters
- may lower prices to limit the impact of a strong currency
- may increase promotion in foriegn amrkets when currency is weak
the gernal rise in prices over time
effects of high inflation
- businesses may increase pridces to pass costs on to consumers or may decide to absorb the costs
- businesses wil look toreduce internal costs to protect profits
- prices rising may fuel further inflation
effects of low inflation
- businesses feel confident in a stable economy
- businesses may look to invest and grow
effects of delfation
- businesses may sturggle to pay debts
- low sales may lead to redundnacies and rationalisation
interest rates
a governemnt policy to adjust teh amount of money in circulation. the interest rate is the cost of borrowing and thr reward for saving
impact of high interest rates on business activity
- infaltion falls
- consumer and business spendings fall
- stronger £
impact of low interest rates on buiness activity
- weaker £
- inflation may rise
- consumer and business spending rises
use of governemnt spending and taxation
intends to control economic activity
icnome tax
corporate tax
governemtn expenditure
gov may spend on infrasturcture, human capitakl and phsycial capital
expansionary government policy
reduced direct and indirect tax to inxrease disposable income
this increases spedning in areas such as education and health
stimulated demand for businesses and created jobs
may caause a deficit in budgets thought