15 - Board engagement with shareholders Flashcards
Provision 3, and FRC Guidance on BE’s says in addition to form GMs, in order to engage with shareholders, board/chair should:
- Chair should seek regular engagement with major stakeholders to understand views on governance and performance
- Chairs of committees should seek engagement with shareholders on significant matters
- The SID, when called upon, should meet a sufficient range of major shareholders to develop understanding of their views
- Board should consider additional ways to engage with smaller shareholders (eg. webinars)
4 procedures for AGMs as recommended by previous codes
- Giving shareholders an opportunity to ask questions (Q&A style)
- Resolutions are unbundled
- Including a ‘vote withheld’ box on proxy forms
- Disclosing information about proxy votes
How can CoSec mitigate the risk involved with allowing Q&A at AGMs?
Ensure the chair is fully briefed on potential questions, such as those asked at previous AGMs and those received by the chair’s office
2 methods of voting on a resolution
- Poll
- Show of hands
2 advantages of voting by poll
- Voting power is in proportion to voted held
- Votes sent by proxy are included in the count
Why might a shareholder tick the ‘vote withheld’ box for a resolution?
To indicate their displeasure about co’s proposal without actually voting against it
(votes withheld are not counted when deciding if a resolution has passed)
What is the significance of 20% or more of the votes on a resolution being against it?
The company will need to explain what actions it intends to take to consult shareholders in order to understand the reasons behing the result
3 limitations on using AGMs as a method for dialogue between companies and shareholders
- Only held once a year
- Probably limited attendance (usually held midweek in London)
- Limited time duration
What is the difference between virtual and hybrid AGMs?
Virtual AGMs = fully virtual, not held in any particular place
Hybrid AGMs = Held at a set place but allowing virtual attendance
CA 2006 - ecomms (3)
- Documents and info can be sent in hard copy or electronic form
- Companies can communicate by means of website if a shareholder has not opted out
- Shareholders have the right to ask for hard copies
6 benefits to use of ecomms
- Cheaper to produce and deliver
- Environmental benefits
- Faster and more reliable
- Shareholders better informed as results can be posted electronically
- Ecomms are more likely to be seen by decision makers at investor institutions
- Greater likelihood of proxies being appointed