14_Lesson 4 Part 2 Sentences Flashcards
Utilize this deck to practice constructing sentences that incorporate vocabulary related to identification, food, and key confirmation phrases like "yes," "no," and "isn't it?"
What does it mean?
An-née pèt châi mái?
This is spicy, isn’t it?
An-née pèt châi mái?
How do you say it in Thai?
This is spicy, isn’t it?
This is spicy, isn’t it?
An-née pèt châi mái?
What does it mean?
Châi. An-née pèt.
Yes (right). This is spicy.
Châi. An-née pèt.
ใช่ อันนี้เผ็ด
How do you say it in Thai?
Yes (right). This is spicy.
Yes (right). This is spicy.
Châi. An-née pèt.
ใช่ อันนี้เผ็ด
What does it mean?
Mâi châi. An-née mâi-pèt.
No (not right). This is not spicy.
Mâi châi. An-née mâi-pèt.
ไม่ใช่ อันนี้ไม่เผ็ด
How do you say it in Thai?
No (not right). This is not spicy.
No (not right). This is not spicy.
Mâi châi. An-née mâi-pèt.
ไม่ใช่ อันนี้ไม่เผ็ด
What does it mean?
An-nán bpen aa-hăan jay châi mái?
That is vegan, isn’t it?
An-nán bpen aa-hăan jay châi mái?
How do you say it in Thai?
That is vegan, isn’t it?
That is vegan, isn’t it?
An-nán bpen aa-hăan jay châi mái?
What does it mean?
Châi. An-nán bpen aa-hăan jay.
Yes (right), that is vegan food.
Châi. An-nán bpen aa-hăan jay.
ใช่ อันนั้นเป็นอาหารเจ
How do you say it in Thai?
Yes (right), that is vegan food.
Yes (right), that is vegan food.
Châi. An-nán bpen aa-hăan jay.
ใช่ อันนั้นเป็นอาหารเจ
What does it mean?
Mâi châi. An-nán bpen gài.
No (not right), that is chicken.
Châi. An-nán bpen aa-hăan jay.
ไม่ใช่ อันนั้นเป็นไก่
How do you say it in Thai?
No (not right), that is chicken.
No (not right), that is chicken.
Châi. An-nán bpen aa-hăan jay.
ไม่ใช่ อันนั้นเป็นไก่
What does it mean?
Ao an-née châi mái?
You want this one, don’t you?
Ao an-née châi mái?
How do you say it in Thai?
You want this one, don’t you?
(Skip “you”)
You want this one, don’t you?
Ao an-née châi mái?
What does it mean?
Châi. Ao an-née.
Yes (right), take this one.
Châi. Ao an-née.
ใช่ เอาอันนี้
How do you say it in Thai?
Yes (right), take this one.
Yes (right), take this one.
Châi. Ao an-née.
ใช่ เอาอันนี้
What does it mean?
Mâi châi. Ao an-nán.
No (not right), take that one.
Mâi châi. Ao an-nán.
ไม่ใช่ เอาอันนั้น
How do you say it in Thai?
No (not right), take that one.
No (not right), take that one.
Mâi châi. Ao an-nán.
ไม่ใช่ เอาอันนั้น
What does it mean?
Kun bpen kon tai châi mái?
You are Thai, right?
Kun bpen kon tai châi mái?
How do you say it in Thai?
You are Thai, right?
(Include “you”)
Here is a Thai restaurant, isn’t it?
Têe nêe bpen ráan aa-hăan Thai châi mái?
What does it mean?
Têe-nêe mâi mee rong-raem châi mái?
There is no hotel here, is there?
Têe-nêe mâi mee rong-raem châi mái?
How to say it in Thai?
There is no hotel here, is there?
There is no hotel here, is there?
Têe-nêe mâi mee rong-raem châi mái?
What does it mean?
Têe nêe bpen ráan aa-hăan Thai châi mái?
Here is a Thai restaurant, isn’t it?
Têe nêe bpen ráan aa-hăan Thai châi mái?
How do you say it in Thai?
Here is a Thai restaurant, isn’t it?
Here is a Thai restaurant, isn’t it?
Têe nêe bpen ráan aa-hăan Thai châi mái?
What does it mean?
Mâi châi. Têe-nêe ráan aa-hăan fà-ràng.
No (not right), this is a Western restaurant.
Mâi châi. Têe-nêe bpen ráan aa-hăan fà-ràng.
ไม่ใช่ ที่นี่เป็นร้านอาหารฝรั่ง
How do you say it in Thai?
No (not right), this is a Western restaurant.
No (not right), this is a Western restaurant.
Mâi châi. Têe-nêe bpen ráan aa-hăan fà-ràng.
ไม่ใช่ ที่นี่เป็นร้านอาหารฝรั่ง
What does it mean?
Kun gin aa-hăan mang-sà-wí-rát châi măi?
You are eating vegetarian food, aren’t you?
Kun gin aa-hăan mang-sà-wí-rát châi măi?
How do you say it in Thai?
You are eating vegetarian food, aren’t you?
(Include “you”)
You are eating vegetarian food, aren’t you?
Kun gin aa-hăan mang-sà-wí-rát châi măi?
What does it mean?
Châi. Pŏm gin aa-hăan jay.
Yes, I am vegan.
Châi. Pŏm gin aa-hăan jay.
ใช่ ผมกินอาหารเจ
How do you say it in Thai?
Yes, I am vegan.
(male speaker)
Yes, I am vegan.
Châi. Pŏm gin aa-hăan jay.
ใช่ ผมกินอาหารเจ
What does it mean?
Mâi châi. Pŏm châwp gin bplaa.
No (not right), I like eating fish.
Mâi châi. Pŏm châwp gin bplaa.
ไม่ใช่ ผมชอบกินปลา
How do you say it in Thai?
No (not right), I like eating fish.
(male speaker)
No (not right), I like eating fish.
Mâi châi. Pŏm châwp gin bplaa.
ไม่ใช่ ผมชอบกินปลา
What does it mean?
Têe-nêe mee náam láe soda.
Here, there is water and soda.
Têe-nêe mee náam láe soda.
How do you say it in Thai?
Here, there is water and soda.
Here, there is water and soda.
Têe-nêe mee náam láe soda.
What does it mean?
Chăn mee pŏn-lá-mái láe pàk.
I have fruits and vegetables.
Chăn mee pŏn-lá-mái láe pàk.
How do you say it in Thai?
I have fruits and vegetables.
(female speaker)
I have fruits and vegetables.
Chăn mee pŏn-lá-mái láe pàk.
What does it mean?
Pŏm gin-kâao láe bplaa.
I eat rice and fish.
Pŏm gin-kâao láe bplaa.
How do you say it in Thai?
I eat rice and fish.
(male speaker)
I eat rice and fish.
Pŏm gin-kâao láe bplaa.
What does it mean?
Chăn châwp gaa-fae láe chaa.
I like coffee and tea.
Chăn châwp gaa-fae láe chaa.
How do you say it in Thai?
I like coffee and tea.
(female speaker)
I like coffee and tea.
Chăn châwp gaa-fae láe chaa.
What does it mean?
Dtà-làat mee néua dtàe mâi mee mŏo.
The market has beef but no pork.
Dtà-làat mee néua dtàe mâi mee mŏo.
How do you say it in Thai?
The market has beef but no pork.
The market has beef but no pork.
Dtà-làat mee néua dtàe mâi mee mŏo.
What does it mean?
Kăo hĭo dtàe mâi gin-kâao.
He is hungry but does not eat.
Kăo hĭo dtàe mâi gin-kâao.
How do you say it in Thai?
He is hungry but does not eat.
He is hungry but does not eat.
Kăo hĭo dtàe mâi gin-kâao.
What does it mean?
Ao kà-nŏm-bpang rĕu kâao?
Do you want bread or rice?
Ao kà-nŏm-bpang rĕu kâao?
How do you say it in Thai?
Do you want bread or rice?
(Skip the word “you”)
Do you want bread or rice?
Ao kà-nŏm-bpang rĕu kâao?
What does it mean?
Kun châwp aa-hăan Thai rĕu aa-hăan jeen?
Do you like Thai food or Chinese food?
Kun châwp aa-hăan Thai rĕu aa-hăan jeen?
How do you say it in Thai?
Do you like Thai food or Chinese food?
(Include the word “you”)
Do you like Thai food or Chinese food?
Kun châwp aa-hăan Thai rĕu aa-hăan jeen?
What does it mean?
Mee gaa-fae.
There is some coffee.
Mee gaa-fae.
How do you say it in Thai?
There is some coffee.
There is some coffee.
Mee gaa-fae.
What does it mean?
Mâi mee rong-raem.
There is no hotel.
Mâi mee rong-raem.
How do you say it in Thai?
There is no hotel.
There is no hotel.
Mâi mee rong-raem.
What does it mean?
Chăn mee bia.
I have some beer.
Chăn mee bia.
How do you say it in Thai?
I have some beer.
(female speaker)
I have some beer.
Chăn mee bia.
What does it mean?
Mâi mee aa-hăan têe bâan.
There is no food at home.
Mâi mee aa-hăan têe bâan.
How do you say it in Thai?
There is no food at home.
There is no food at home.
Mâi mee aa-hăan têe bâan.
What does it mean?
Pŏm gin kà-nŏm-bpang gàp nom.
I ate bread with milk.
Pŏm gin kà-nŏm-bpang gàp nom.
How do you say it in Thai?
I ate bread with milk.
(male speaker)
I ate bread with milk.
Pŏm gin kà-nŏm-bpang gàp nom.
What does it mean?
Kăo bpai Chiang Mai láe tam-ngaan têe-nân.
He went to Ching Mai and worked there.
Kăo bpai Chiang Mai láe tam-ngaan têe-nân.
How do you say it in Thai?
He went to Ching Mai and worked there.
He went to Ching Mai and worked there.
Kăo bpai Chiang Mai láe tam-ngaan têe-nân.
What does it mean?
Chăn mee Coke dtàe mâi mee náam-kăeng.
I have Coke but no ice.
Chăn mee Coke dtàe mâi mee náam-kăeng.
How do you say it in Thai?
I have Coke but no ice.
(female speaker)
I have Coke but no ice.
Chăn mee Coke dtàe mâi mee náam-kăeng.
What does it mean?
Pŏm châwp aa-hăan tai dtàe mâi gin pèt.
I like Thai food, but I don’t eat spicy food.
Pŏm châwp aa-hăan tai dtàe mâi gin pèt.
How do you say it in Thai?
I like Thai food, but I don’t eat spicy food.
(male speaker)
I like Thai food, but I don’t eat spicy food.
Pŏm châwp aa-hăan tai dtàe mâi gin pèt.