07_Lesson 2 Part 4 Exercise 2.2 Flashcards
Answer these questions using cues, including the polite particles ‘kâ’ or ‘kráp.’ Example: Dee mái kráp? (yes) Dee kâ. (or kráp if you’re a man.)
What is the suitable question for this answer?
Answer: Dee kâ.
Question: ?
If you are a man, …
Dee mái kráp?
If you are a woman, …
Dee mái ká?
The Answer is Dee kâ.
What is the suitable question for this answer?
Answer: Mâi pèt kâ.
Question: ?
If you are a man, …
Pèt mái kráp?
If you are a woman, …
Pèt mái ká?
The Answer is Mâi pèt kâ.
What is the suitable question for this answer?
Answer: Mâi dee kráp.
Question: ?
If you are a man, …
Dee mái kráp?
If you are a woman, …
Dee mái ká?
The Answer is Mâi dee kráp.
What is the suitable question for this answer?
Answer: Ráwn kâ.
Question: ?
If you are a man, …
Ráwn mái kráp?
If you are a woman, …
Ráwn mái ká?
The Answer is Ráwn kâ.
What is the suitable question for this answer?
Answer: Ao kâ.
Question: ?
If you are a man, …
Ao mái kráp?
If you are a woman, …
Ao mái ká?
The Answer is Ao kâ.
What is the suitable question for this answer?
Answer: Sà-baai dee kráp.
Question: ?
If you are a man, …
Sà-baai dee mái kráp?
If you are a woman, …
Sà-baai dee mái ká?
The Answer is Sà-baai dee kráp.
What is the suitable question for this answer?
Answer: Mâi châwp kâ.
Question: ?
If you are a man, …
Châwp mái kráp?
If you are a woman, …
Châwp mái ká?
The Answer is Mâi châwp kâ.
What is the suitable question for this answer?
Answer: Mâi ao náam-kăeng kráp.
Question: ?
If you are a man, …
Ao náam-kăeng mái kráp?
If you are a woman, …
Ao náam-kăeng mái ká?
The Answer is Mâi ao náam-kăeng kráp.