1.494-519 Flashcards
Dardanius -a -um
adj. (Dardanus), Dardanian, Trojan; subst., Dardanius -ii m.
Aeneas -ae m.
- A Trojan chief, son of Venus and Anchises, and hero of the Aeneid
mirandus -a -um
to be wondered at; wonderful, strange (miror)
stupeo -ui
to be amazed or dazed; to bewildered, confounded, lost in wonder
obtutus -us m.
a looking at; look, gaze (obtueor)
haereo haesi haesus
to stick; foll. by dat., or by abl. w. or without a prep.; hang, cling, adhere, cling to
defigo -fixi -fixus
to fasten or fix down or in; the object on in which in the dat., or in the abl., with or without a prep.
Dido -us or -onis f.
Dido, daughter of Belus, king of Phoenicia, who fled from her brother Pygmalion to Africa, where she founded the city of Carthage
incedo -cessi -cessus
to step onward; walk, especially with pomp or dignity; advance
stipo -avi -atus
to tread down, compress; pack together, store up
caterva -ae f.
a troop, squadron, band
Eurotas -ae m.
the Eurotas; the river on which Sparta was situated
Cynthus -i m.
a mountain in Delos, birthplace of Apollo and Diana
Diana -ae f.
a goddess of the Italians, and regarded by them as one with the Greek Artemis, daughter of Latona, and sister of Apollo; called Luna, as goddess of the moon
chorus -i m.
a dance in a circle; a dance; a company of singers or dancers, choir, train
glomero -avi -atus
to gather into a ball or mass; roll, whirl; troop, flock (glomus, ball)
Oreas -adis f.
an Oread, a mountain nymph
pharetra -ae f.
umerus -i m.
the upper bone of the arm; the shoulder
gradior gressus sum, dep.
to step, walk, go
to rise above, tower above
Latona -ae f.
the mother of Apollo and Diana
pertempto -avi -atus
to handle completely; test, prove; to search through; thrill, penetrate, pervade, fill
insto -stiti
to stand on or upon; w. dat., acc., inf., or alone; w. dat., to stand on
futurus -a -um
about to be; future (sum)
foris -is f.
a door; often in the pl. with reference to double doors (rel. to θύρα)
diva -ae f.
a goddess
testudo -inis f.
a tortoise; a vaulted roof, vault
saepio saepsi saeptus
to fence in; inclose, surround; envelop (saepes, inclosure)
solium -ii n.
a seat; throne
(adv.) aloft, on high; high
subnixus -a -um
resting or seated on
resido -sedi
to sit or settle down; seat one’s self
aequo -avi -atus
to make equal in size, number, weight; equalize, divide equally
concursus -us m.
a running together; thronging; concourse, multitude, throng (concurro)
accedo -cessi -cessus (perf. ind., accestis for accessistis)
to go or draw near to; approach, with acc. alone (ad and cedo)
Antheus (dissyl.) -eos or -ei m.
Antheus, a companion of Aeneas
Sergestus -i m.
commander of one of the ships of Aeneas
Cloanthus -i m.
commander of one of the ships of Aeneas
Teucri -orum m.
the Trojans, descendants of Teucer
ater -tra -trum
(adj.) black; dark, gloomy
turbo -inis m.
a tornado, whirlwind; storm, tempest
dispello -puli -pulsus
to drive away; separate, scatter, disperse
adv. (cf. penes), inwardly, far within; far away
aveho -vexi -vectus
to carry away; (pass.) avectus esse, to have sailed away, departed
ora -ae f.
a margin, border; coast, shore
obstipesco -stipuli (stupui)
to become stupefied; to be astonished, amazed
percutio -cussi -cussus
to smite through; strike, smite; percussus -a -um, struck, smitten; of the effect of sound, reverberating, echoing, penetrated, filled (per and quatio)
Achates -ae m.
Achates, a companion of Aeneas
laetitia -ae f.
joy (laetus)
avidus -a -um
adj. (aveo, desire) longing, eafer
coniungo -iunxi -iunctus
to join together, clasp
incognitus -a -um
(adj.) unknown, unnoticed, unperceived
incognitus -a -um
(adj.) unknown, unnoticed, unperceived; not understood
dissimulo -avi -atus
to misrepresent the truth or reality; dissemble, hide, disguise, conceal; remain disguised, or concealed (others, repress one’s emotions) (dissimilis)
nubes -is f.
a cloud
cavus -a -um
(adj.) hollow; concave; cavae manus, the palms of the hands
speculor -atus sum, dep.
to look out, mark, survey, behold; watch, consider, observe (specula)
amicio -icui or -ixi -ictus
to throw around; veil, cover (am- and iacio)
linquo liqui
to leave
venio veni ventus
to come; come forth, approach
venia -ae f.
favor; relief, help