1.387-418 Flashcards
invisus -a -um
hated, hateful, odious; (act.) inimical, an enemy, hostile
vitalis -e
adj. (vita) pertaining to life; essential to life, vital
carpo carpsi carptus
to pluck or pull, crop, browse upon, eat, graze; cause to graze, pasture; gather; (fig.) catch, breathe, enjoy; consume; devour, waste; carpere prata, to course over
Tyrius -a -um
adj. of Tyre; Tyrian or Phoenician
regina -ae f.
a queen; princess
perfero -tuli -latus -ferre, irreg.
to carry or bear through; carry, restore, return; report; convey completely, carry home; reach the mark; undergo, endure, suffer; (w. reflex. pron.), betake one’s self, go; p., perlatus -a -um, carried to the mark; striking
redux -ucis
adj. (reduco) led back, brought back, returning
nuntio -avi -atus
to announce; report, make known, announce, declare
tutum -i n.
safety, place of safety; pl. tuta -orum, safe places, safety, security
Aquilo -onis m.
the north wind; wind in general; wintry, tempestuous wind; the north
augurium -ii n.
the business of the augur; augury, divination; an augury, omen, portent; oracle; presage
(adv.) twice
seni -ae -a
distrib. num. adj. (sex), six by six, six each; as a cardinal, six
laetor -atus sum, dep.
to rejoice, w. abl., gen., infin., or absolute
cycnus -i m.
a swan
aetherius -a -um
adj. (aether) pertaining to the upper air; ethereal, heavenly; airy
labor lapsus sum, dep.
to slide, glide down, or slip, freq.; fall down; ebb; pass away; descend; glide, sail, skim along; flow; fall perish; decline; faint
plaga -ae f.
a tract, region; zone
ales -itis (gen. pl. sometimes alituum)
adj. (ala) winged, swift; subst. a bird; an owl
aperio -ui -tus
to uncover, lay bare; throw open, open; disclose the view; disclose, reveal; aperiri, to appear; p. apertus -a -um, opened; unguarded; adj. open; clear, pure
despecto -avi -atus
to look down upon (despicio)
ludo lusi lusus
to play, frolic, sport; play with dice; make sport of, mock, delude, deceive; make one’s sport
strideo, and strido, stridi
to produce a grating or shrill sound; to creak; gurgle; rustle; whiz, roar; hiss; twang
ala -ae f.
a wing; the feather of an arrow; the wing of an army; cavalry; troop, battalion; horsemen, mounted huntsmen
coetus -us m.
a coming together, an assembly; a flock; banquet, feast
polus -i m.
the terminating point of an axis; the celestial pole; (meton.) the heavens, sky; air
cantus -us m.
the singing or playing; melody; song; strain, sound; incantation, charm (cano)
puppis -is f.
the hinder part of a ship; the stern; (by synecdoche), a vessel, boat, ship; (meton.), crew
pubes -is f.
the groin, middle; the youthful population; youth, young men; youthful band; brood, offspring
tui -orum m.
your friends, kinsmen, countrymen, descendants, etc.
portus -us m.
a port, harbor, haven
subeo -ii -itus (p. subiens, entis)
to go or come under, into, or upto; with acc. approach, enter
ostium -ii n.
a mouth; entrance, gate, door; pl. ostia -orum, harbor, port; mouth of a river
velum -i n.
a cloth; sail; a curtain, canvas, covering
derigo -rexi -rectus
to lay straight, bring into a definite line; to aim, direct (de and rego)
gressus -us m.
a stepping; step, walk, course, way
averto -verti -versus
to turn (anything) away from, followed by an abl. with or without a prep.; turn or drive away, end; neut. by ommission of se, to turn away; (pass.), averti, as middle or dep., with acc., to be averse
roseus -a -um
adj. (rosa), pertaining to roses; rose-colored; rosy
cervix -icis f.
the neck, including the back or nape of the neck
refulgeo -fulsi -fulsus
to flash back; shine forth, flash, be radiant; glitter, glisten
ambrosius -a -um
adj. (ambrosia) ambrosial, heavenly, divine
divinus -a -um
adj. (divus) relating to the gods; heaven-descended, divine; heavenly; inspired, prophetic
vertex -icis m.
a whirl; whirlpool; vortex; whirling column of flame; summit
odor -oris m.
scent, smell, odor, fragrant; disgreeable odor, stench; foul fumes
spiro -avi -atus
to breathe, blow; palpitate; pant; breathe heavily; to heave, boil; of odors, breathe forth, exhale, emit
defluo -fluxi -fluxus
to flow down; sail down; alight, descend; fall, descend
incessus -us m.
a walking or advancing; a manner of walking; walk, gait (incedo)
adgnosco -novi -nitus
to recognize
totiens (toties)
num. adj. (tot) so many times, so often
crudelis -e
adj. (crudus) unfeeling, ruthless, cruel, inhuman; relentless; unnatural; mortal, deadly; bloody; bitter
ludo lusi lusus
to play, frolic, sport; play with dice; make sport of, mock, delude, deceive; make one’s sport
atque, or ac
(conj.) and in addition, or and besides; and, as well, and indeed
incuso -avi -atus
tobring a cause or case against any one; to accuse, reproach, blame; without obkect, upbraid, complain
gressus -us m.
a stepping; step, walk, course, way; of a ship; air, men, gait
obscurus -a -um
(adj.) dim, dark, dusky, obscure; uncertain; of persons, unseen; in the darkness; pl. obscura, -orum, dim places; obscurity, uncertainty
gradior gressus sum, dep.
to step, walk, go; move, advance
saepio saepsi saeptus
to fence in; inclose, surround; envelop (saepes, inclosure)
nebula -ae f.
a cloud; mist, fog
circumfundo -fudi -fusus
to pour around; to encompass, surround; (pass.), circumfundor, -fusus sum, (in middle signif.) to rush around, surround; circumfusus -a -um, surrounding; gathering around
amictus -us m.
a veiling or draping of the person; an upper garment, covering; cloak, mantle, veil (amicio)
neve or neu
(conj.) or not, and not, nor, neither, w. subj. or imperat.
possum potui posse
to be able; can; to avail, have influence, power (potis and sum)
molior -itus sum, dep.
to pile up; build, erect, construct; plan, undertake, attempt; pursue; cleave; contrive, devise; occasion
venio veni ventus
to come, freq.; come forth; approach; rise
Paphos (-us) -i f.
Paphos, a town in the western part of Cyprus, devoted to the worship of Venus
sublimis -e
(adj.) raised up, elevated, uplifted; aloft; on high; through the air
abeo -ivi -itus -ire
to go away, depart; go off, go aside, turn off; pass into, sink into; go forward, take the lead; retreat; change or be transformed
to look at again, visit again, return to see
Sabaeus -a -um
adj. (Saba) Sabaean, Arabian; pl. Sabaei -orum
tus turis n.
caleo -ui
to be warm; to flow
serta -orum n.
things entwined; garlands, festoons, wreaths (sero serere serui sertus)
halo -avi -atus
to breathe; exhale or emit odor; be fragrant or redolent