1.325-386 Flashcards
Venus -eris f.
contra (prep. and adv.; prep. w. acc.)
over against; opposite to
filius -ii m.
a son
ordior orsus sum, dep.
to weave, spin; to begin; begin to speak
(interj. expressing joy, grief, astonishment, desire, or indignation) O! oh! ah!
memoro -avi -atus
to call to memory; mention, rehearse, relate; say, speak
nec or neque
(adv. and conj.) and not; neither, nor
Phoebus -i m.
Phoebus or Apollo
nympha -ae f.
a bride, a maiden; a nymph, one of the inferior deities, presiding over fountains, woods, etc.
levo -avi -atus
to render light; lighten; lift, aid
ora -ae f.
a margin, border; coast, shore
lacto -avi -atus
to throw often or much; toss to and fro; toss
ignarus -a -um
(adj.) not knowing; unaware, ignorant; often w. genit., ignorant of
vastus -a -um
(adj.) empty, void, wild, waste
hostia -ae f.
a sacrificial animal; victim
(adv.) indeed, at least, certainly, surely; w. first person, for my part
dignor -atus sum
(w. acc. and abl.) to deem worthy of
Tyrius -a -um
adj. Tyrian or Phoenician
gesto -avi -atus
to carry habitually; bear; have
pharetra -ae f.
a quiver
purpureus -a -um
adj. of purple; purple-colored, scarlet, red, purple; of blood; ruddy, glowing, brilliant
(adv.) aloft, on high; high; high up; deeply, deep
sura -ae f.
the calf of the leg; the leg
vincio vinxi vinctus
to bind; bind round; wreathe; bind round
cothurnus -i m.
the cothurnus; a triple soled shoe
Punicus -a -um
adj. Punic, Carthaginian
Agenor -oris m.
a son of Neptune and Lyba, king of Phoenicia and ancestor of Dido
Libycus -a -um
intractabilis -e
(adj.) that can not be handled or managed; indomitable, invincible
Dido -us or -onis f.
Dido, daughter of Belus, king of Phoenicia, who fled from her brother Pygmalion to Africa, where she founded the city of Carthage
germanus -a -um
(adj.) of the same parentage; particularly, of the same father
ambages -is f.
a going about; a winding; details, particulars, story; mysteries
fastigium -ii n.
that which is carried to a point or apex; the apex or point of a pediment; a gable, upper part of a house; roof, pinnacle, battlement
Sychaeus -i m.
a Tyrian prince, the husband of Dido
diligo -lexi -lectus
to love; dilectus -a -um, loved, dear
intactus -a -um
(adj.) untouched, unbroken; unhurt
iugo -avi -atus
to yoke; (fig.), join in marriage, unite
omen -inis n.
a prognostic, token, sign, omen; evil, auspicious beginning
Tyros (Tyrus) -i f.
Tyre, the ancient maritime capital of Phoenicia
Pygmalion -onis m.
Pygmalion, son of Belus, brother of Dido, and king of Phoenicia
immanis -e
(adj.) vast, huge, immense; wild, savage, barbarous; cruel, ruthless; unnatural, monstrous, hideous; immane, wildly, fiercely
venio veni ventus
to come, freq.; come forth; approach; rise, appear; dawn; to present one’s self or itself; descend, spring from