14.11.2024 Flashcards
to comprehend
verstehen - understand
r, Zwerg, e
dwarf, midget (not nice word)
kleiner Mensch - small person
r, Riese, n
großer Mensch - large person
cramped (no room)
eng - tight
weit - broad
das wird bestimmt wieder
it will happen again (can be used to console…it’ll be okay)
alles wird gut - everything will be okay
das Kriegen wir schon hin
we’ll figure it out /get it done
Das schaffen wir - we’ll manage it
r, Mist
crap - r, Scheiß
sich beruhigen
to calm down
sich entspannen - to relax
s, Mitgefühl
sympathy, compasion
Empathie - empathy
schlimme Sache an den Kopf geworfen
expression is used metaphorically. It means “to throw harsh words or accusations at someone” or “to confront someone harshly with something unpleasant
harte Worte - harsh words
ach du meine Güte
Oh my goodness!
Oh Gott! - Oh God!
s, Pech
bad luck
Unglück - misfortune
r, Pechvogel
unlucky person, jinx
a lucky dog
Pech gehabt
tough luck
einen Lauft haben
to be on a roll, to have a streak of success (not LUCK related)
Erfolgsserie (series of success) - series of successes
eine Glückssträhne haben
to have a lucky streak or to be on a lucky streak (based on LUCK)
Glücksserie (lucky series) - lucky series
crushed, destroyed, wipe the floor with
besiegt - defeated
e, Abwechslung, en
variety, change (provides diversity)
Vielfalt (diversity) - diversity
muggy, hot and humid
feuchtwarm (humid) - humid
to invent, to make up sth (not real)
ausdenken (think up) - think up
e, Leidenschaft, en
Begeisterung (enthusiasm) - enthusiasm