1.4 - Psychopathology (set B - OCD) Flashcards
What is Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?
Anxiety disorder characterised by irrational, persistent and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) which are coupled with intense uncontrollable urges to complete tasks (compulsions)
Give an example of an obsessive thought and compulsive behaviour?
Obsessive thought could be that germs lurk everywhere
Compulsive behaviour could be repetitive hand washing every 10 mins to get rid of the percieved germs
Outline the behavioural characteristics of OCD?
- involves repetitive compulsions which the suffer is compelled to repeat over a continuing long period of time
- compulsions reduce anxiety produced by obsessions
- avoidance - suffers may try to reduce anxiety levels by staying way from situations which link to their obsessions
Outline 2 ways someone suffering from OCD may try to reduce the anxiety through behaviour - give an example for each?
- performing repetitive compulsions over a continuing period of time in order to reduce anxiety produced by obsessions (eg constantly watching hands)
- avoiding the situation which causes fear or are related to their obsession (eg not emptying bins due to presence of germs)
Outline the emotional characteristics of OCD?
- can be frightening and overwhelming - due to powerful anxiety and constant obsessions/compulsions
- often accompanied with Depression - around 25 to 50% of people with OCD have depression
- Negative emotions (eg disgust and guilt) plagues sufferers - can be directed at self or externally at world
Outline the emotional characteristics of OCD?
- nearly all experience recurrent, unpleasant and obsessive thoughts
- sufferers can respond to obsessive thoughts by using cognitive coping strategies - eg praying
- are aware that obsessions and compulsions are irrational - still feel real and cause extreme anxiety
Outline 2 biological approaches to explaining and treating OCD - very briefly explain basis of each?
- Genetic - focuses on genes, inherited from parents - idea OCD is inherited
- Neural - focuses on neurotransmitters which are responsible
What does the genetic approach outline as the cause of OCD?
- OCD is understood as being largely biological in nature
- specific genes (candidate genes) may contribute to OCD (COMPT and SERT) and create vulnerability for OCD
What does the genetic approach suggest about COMPT genes?
- responsible for regulating neurotransmitter dopamine by clearing dopamine away from synapses
- low activity of the COMPT gene has been shown to to be associated with OCD and higher dopamine levels
What does the genetic approach suggest about SERT genes?
- affects transport of serotonin (involved with how we feel)
- levels of the genes can cause lower levels of serotonin which has been shown to be associated with OCD and depression
Outline the diathesis-stress component of the genetic explanation of OCD?
- unlikely there is link between one gene and a complex disorder like OCD
- genes like the SERT gene are implicated in a number of other disorders like depression and PTSD
- suggest each individual gene only creates a vulnerability (diathesis) for OCD - other factors (‘stressors’) affect what condition develops
What does the diathesis-stress hi-light as the cause of disorders like OCD?
Suggests that each individual gene only creates a vulnerability (diathesis) for OCD - it is the factors (“stressors’) that affect what condition develops
- environmental stress can trigger psychological disorders
Outline what candidate genes are in regard to the genetic explanation for OCD?
genes which create vulnerability for OCD
- for example the COMPT and SERT genes are candidate genes which interact with neurotransmitters
What does the genetic explanation for OCD mean by describing OCD as polygenic?
Acknowledges that multiple genes are associated with OCD rather then just one single gene
- Taylor (2013) found evidence of the involvement of 230 different genes
- combination of genes can cause different types of OCD
Outline the family study (Nestadt et al) as support for the genetic explanation of OCD?
Identified 80 patients with OCD and 343 of their first-degree relatives - compared them with 73 control patients without mental illness and 300 of their relatives
- found people with a first degree relative with OCD have 5 times greater risk of having it aswell