14. Mob. Flashcards
Name 4 global megatrends that shape the future of mobility!
Population Growth
Rapid Urbanization
Climate Change
Digital Transformation
What effect will the grobal megatrend ‘Population Growth’ probably have?
Effect: Significant increase of travel activities
What effect will the grobal megatrend ‘Rapid Urbanization’ probably have?
Effect: Mass mobility will transform cities
What effect will the grobal megatrend ‘Climate Change’ probably have?
Effect: Mobility sector will be decarbonized
What effect will the grobal megatrend ‘Digital Transformation’ probably have?
Effect: New business opportunities through connectivity and autonomous driving.
Global transportation demand will continue to grow
-> even faster than the GDP
There are 2 types of mobility with different facets: ??
Everyday mobility
Differentiation of Different Modes of Transport.
1) What are possible Differentiations? (4)
Passenger transport vs. Freight transport
Within passenger transansport:
Individual transport vs. Public transport
Within Freight transport:
Delivery transport (short distances) vs. Freight/Cargo (large distances)
Infrastructure where transport takes place (Road, Air, Rail, Water)
-> siehe sum VL p.2
Differentiation of Different Modes of Transport.
1) Which unit is used for passenger transport?
2) Which unit is used for Freight transport?
1) [Pkm] (= transportierte Anzahl Passagiere * zurückgelegte Strecke (km))
2) [tkm] (= t*km)
Definition of:
1) Mobility?
2) Transport?
1) Mobility:
Potential changes of location (mobility) of people.
2) Transport:
The physical change of people, goods and data in space
Mobility: Potential changes of location (moblity) of people
1) They result from what?
2) Sometimes we also speak of?
1) spatial, physical, social and virtual conditions and their subjective perception
2) realized mobility (actual movements)
Transport volumne is the combination of?
the number of ways and the length of the ways
Transport volumne:
The amount of traffic can increase or decrease with a constant number of routes (constant realized mobility), depending on the development of?
the average route length
Traffic behaviour in Germany (per person and day):
1) Number of routes: ??
2) Distances: ??
3) Duration: ??
1) 3,1
2) 39km
3) 80min.
Perspectives and interests in mobility vary between different actors. (User, Company, City, Investor)
Especially in cities there an increasing mobility is forecasted.
Global CO2 emissions by economic sector
-> focus trafic (see p. 14)
What are the main drivers in e-mobility (transition)? (3)
Main drivers e-mobility (transition): Regulation
Governments as well as cities are pushing for sustainable mobility
1) through what? (3)
2) for what?
1) regulations, incentives and infrastructure investments
2) targeting significant emissions reductions by 2030
Main drivers e-mobility (transition): Consumer
The social responsibility of the consumer influences electric vehicle purchases with consumers wanting to make choises that?
reflect their commitment to sustainability and ethical living
(trend not true for everyone)
Main drivers e-mobility (transition): Technology
Advancements in ?(1)? & ?(2)? are enhancing the practicality of electric vehicles for daily commutes and long trips, while also reducing their ?(3?) for consumers.
(1) battery technology
(2) charging infrastructure
(3) cost
The generation and use of renewable energy takes place in differernt regions. (see slide 19)
3 types of EVs are distinguished: ??
Plug-in Hydrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)
Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
Fuell Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV)
(Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) -> kein externer electricity supply possible, darum kein EV glaub)
Drive Technologies: Technological Overview (vehicles)
What vehicles can be distinguished? (6)
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE)
Hydrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)
Plug-in Hydrid Vehicle (PHEV)
Range Extended Electric Vehicle (REEV)
Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV)