13. Sec.Int. + test Flashcards
Reasons for emission reduction in past few years:
Significant decrease in emissions from ?(1)? and ?(2)? sectors.
?(3)? and ?(4)? sectors: emissions stagnated at high levels
(1) energy
(2) industry
(3) Transportation
(4) buildings
Transportation sector: Missed targets for the third consecutive year
Buildings sector: missed sector target for the fourth consecutive year
Describe the transformation of the energy system from the “old world” to the “new world” shortly.
“old world”:
conventional power plants with load-follwing operation (Base load power plants, medium-load power plants, peak-load power plants)
-> this system of the “old world” works as long as the RES have a relatively small share of electricity generation
“new world”:
Supply from fluctuating renewable energy sources that can only be forecasted in the short term
-> the fluctuations of the residual loas increase, which have to be balanced by conventional power plants (if still possible/allowed) or by other measures
Name two typical examples for base-load power plants!
Lignite-fired power plants
Nuclear power plants
Name one typical example for a medium-load power plant!
Hard-coal-fired power plant
Name three examples for peak-load power plants!
Gas plant
CCGT (Combined Cycle Gas Turbine) plant
(-> de: GuD-Kraftwerk)
Heating oil power plants
Lignite-fired power plants are difficult to regulate at short notice.
Nuclear power plants are only marginally adjustable.
Hard-coal-fired power plants: When disconnected from the grid at short notice, they reach full load within?
a few hours
Peak-load power plants
Gas and CCGT plants can’t be controlled at short notice.
-> can be controlled well at short notice
Heating oil power plants generate almost only peak-load electricity to compensate for?
short-term fluctuations in electricity demand
Name 4 flexibility options for the integration of renewable energies!
Efficient grids
Flexible consumers/Demand side management
Flexible producers
flexibility options for the integration of renewable energies
-> see table sum. p.2!!
Name and describe one flexibility options for the integration of renewable energies!
(taken storages!)
Electricity storages like Pumped storage, compressed air storage, battery storage
Heat&Gas Storage like Power-to-gas/Power-to-liquids as a sector coupling technology
Grid Expansion in Germany/Europe (as Flexibility Option)
What is the Goal here?
Overcoming SPATIAL discrepancies
What is the goal of using storages as flexibility option?
Overcoming TEMPORAL discrepancy
See sum p. 3 (storage technologies)!! (Zuordnen können)
Sector-coupling technologies provide flexibility for the electricity system in the form of?
Name at least 3 technologies for sector coupling/integration!
Heat pump (Power-to-Heat)
Electrolysis (Power-to-Gas)
Electric Motors and batteries (Power-to-Gas)
Electromobility Fuel Cell (Hydrogen-to-Mobility)
Name at least one technology for sector coupling/integration in the following categories:
1) Power-to-Heat
2) Power-to-Mobility
3) Power-to-Gas
4) Power-to-Liquids
5) Power-to-Heat
6) Hydrogen-to-Mobility
7) Hydrogen-to-Electricity
1) Power-to-Heat: Heat pump, Electrode boiler
2) Power-to-Mobility: Electric Motors and batteries
3) Power-to-Gas: Electrolysis, Pyrolysis
4) Power-to-Liquids: PtG + Fischer-Tropsch processs
5) Power-to-Heat: H2 gas heater, H2 CHP
6) Hydrogen-to-Mobility: Electromobility fuel cell, Synthetic fuels
7) Hydrogen-to-Electricity: Fuel cell, H2 gas turbine, H2 CHP
Technologies for sector coupling/integration:
There are various flexibility options. Some of them are in competition with each other.
A decarbonized power system can be seen as the backbone of an energy transition.
Sector coupling brings both ?(1)? and ?(2)?
(1) flexibility for the electricity system
(2) renewable energy to other sectors
High heat demand is a major challenge for the efforts towards decarbonization.
Which Energy/Heat form has the highest share within the final energy consumption 2022 (DE)? Second? Third?
- Mechanical Energy (37,3%)
- Building Heat (27,8%)
- Process Heat (21,3%)
In principle, both process and space heat can be generated by power-to-heat.