14: Menarche, Puberty, Menstrual Disorders Flashcards
5 peptide amines from hypothalamus
GnRH, TRH, CRH, PIF, somatostatin
What part of hypothalamus produces GnRH?
Arcuate nucleus
Estradiol effect on GnRH
Increases release of GnRH
Six hormones from anterior pituitary
FSH, LH, TSH, prolactin, GH, ACTH
Two hormones from posterior pituitary
Vasopressin, oxytocin
Initial health visit for females: when it should occur
Between ages 13-15
Median age of menarche
12.43 years old
By age 15, what % of females will have had menarche?
Breast budding, occurs 2-3 years before puberty
Median length of first menstrual cycle
34 days
When is a workup indicated if a female isn’t having her period?
No period for 3 months
Endocrine causes of irregular cycles
DM, PCOS, Cushings, thyroid dysfunction, ovarian failure
Acquired conditions that cause irregular cycles
Stress-related hypothalamic dysfunction, meds, stress-induced amenorrhea, eating disorders, tumors
What amount of blood loss is associated with anemia?
80+ ml
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Abnormal uterine bleeding that cant be attributed to meds, blood dyscrasias, systemic disease, trauma, or an organic condition like pregnancy or cancer; usually caused by aberrations in HPO axis
Primary amenorrhea
absence of menarche by age 13 without secondary sexual development OR by age of 15 with secondary sexual development
Secondary amenorrhea
Absence of menstruation for 6 months
Frequent menses at intervals less than 21 days
Excess/prolonged menses at 80+ ml or greater than 7 days at regular intervals
Irregular episodes of uterine bleeding
Heavy and irregular uterine bleeding
Intermesntrual bleeding
Scant bleeding at ovulation for 1-2 days
Menstrual cycle at >35 days
Lab tests to diagnose AUB
Pregnancy test, CBC, targeted screen for bleeding disorders, TSH, chlamydia