1.4 Genetics and Growth of Prokaryotes Flashcards
What are the steps of binary fission?
- Circiular chromosome will replicate on the cell wall
- Cell will grow
- Cell wall and membrane will pinch and for two cells
What is genetic recombination?
-bacteria to take in other plasmids
What are plasmids?
DNA pieces that give an advantage to the bacteria
Virulent factors?
-add a piece to cell, toxins, etc.
plasmids: episomes
-incorporated into the genome of the bacteria
What are the three genetic recombinations?
- transformation
- conjugation
- transduction
-one bacteria is carrying plasmids and that explodes into the new host bacteria cell
sexual reproduction
- male will make the conjugation bridge (sex pilli)
- tries to send all the DNA over the bridge
- female becomes a male
- high frequency conjugation
-bacteriophages will take part of the DNA from a bacteria that they hurt and implant it into another bacteria
Bacteriophage: Sheath
-Injector into the cell
Bacteriophage: tail
-feel receptors to identify the cell
-Genetic pieces that control the DNA and then they leave
Why is it important to finish a whole bottle of antibiotics?
-When you start to feel better you kill out most of the bacteria
-Some are resistant and can stay and reproduce
Growth cycle: Lag phase
-the bacteria is adapting
Growth cycle: log phase
-exponential growth
Growth cycle: stationary phase
-depleting resources causing to have smaller growth
Growth Cycle: Death phase
-Cell dies