14. Coordination and control (mammals) Flashcards
Which organ produces a hormone?
Which part of the human eye is sensitive to light?
What happens when a person looks at an object far away from their eye?
- Suspensory ligaments tighten
- Lens becomes thinner
What happens when a ciliary muscle relaxes
- The lens will decrease its curvature
How do the muscles make the pupil smaller?
- Circular muscles contract
- Radial muscles relax
What would be the pupil size and lens shape of a person reading a mobile phone text message in a brightly lit room?
- The pupil size would be small and the lens shape would be fat
What happens when a ciliary muscle contracts?
- Reduces the pull on the lens, increasing its curvature
State two ways in which a voluntary action differs from an involuntary action.
- Takes more time
- No automatic
Explain how the parts of the reflex respond to the detection of heat.
- When a person touches a hot object. Electrical impulses are generated and transferred(by receptor) to the sensory neuron.
- Sensory neuron carries the impulses along itself to the central nervous system
- Electrical impulses are then transferred along the synapse to relay neuron
- Impulses travel along the relay neuron to the motor neuron again through a synapse
- Motor neuron then carries the impulses to the effector(muscle) and contracts.
What is meant by the term involuntary action
- It is a response without the use of the brain and is an automatic response
Describe the advantages of simple reflexes
- Fast
- Automatic
Describe 3 ways this adrenaline increase prepares the body for action.
- Heart beats faster
- Increased rate of breathing
- Heightened sensitivity
Describe a simple reflex arc
- Stimulus detected by receptor
- Receptor sends electrical impulses to the sensory neuron
- Sensory neuron passes impulses to relay
- Relay passes impulses to the motor
- Motor passes to the effector
Describe how impulses pass from one neuron to another across a synapse
- Neurotransmitters released from vesicles into the synaptic gap
- Neurotransmitters move by diffusion
- The neurotransmitter binds with the receptor which is on the other side of the synapse causing the impulse to continue
Outline the pathway in a reflex arc in response to shining a bright light into the eye
- The stimulus (light) is detected by the retina (receptor) and electrical impulses are generated by the receptor.
- Sensory neuron -> Relay neuron -> Motor neurone
- There are synapses between the neurons
- Circular muscles contract / Respond