Explain how antibodies protect the body against pathogens. (4)
- A pathogen has antibodies
- Antibodies have complimentary shapes to antigens which lock on to the specific antigens
- Destroying pathogens as they are marked for destruction/phagocytosis
Explain how the two injections of the vaccine result in better protection against diphtheria than the injection of antitoxin antibodies (3)
- Active immunity
- Memory cells produced
- Long-term immunity
Explain why the shape of the specific parts of a pathogen is important in the development of active immunity. (3)
- Different antigens have unique shapes
- Lymphocytes produce specific antibodies
- Antibodies are complimentary to Antigens
State the name of the disease caused by the destruction of these cells
Define the term transmissible disease (2)
- Disease caused by a pathogen
- Pathogen is passed from one host to another
Explain the advantage of giving the person an injection of antitoxin antibodies (2)
- Passive immunity
- Fast protection and response for the future as it gives time for the immune system to produce its own antibodies
Give two mechanical barriers that defend the body against pathogens
- Hairs in the nose
- Skin
Explain how vaccination protects people against a transmissible disease such as measles (5)
- Harmless/dead pathogen is introduced
- Antigens are present in pathogens
- Antigens trigger an immune response leading to active immunity
- Memory cells are produced
- Memory cells produce antibodies
- Antibodies destroy pathogens providing long-term immunity.
State two of the body’s chemical barriers to pathogens
- Mucus
- Stomach acid
State the name of a type of drug that can be used to treat bacterial infections
Explain how vaccination provides a defense against transmissible diseases. (4)
- Introduces dead pathogens stimulating an immune response leading to active immunity.
- Lymphocytes produce antibodies and then develop into memory cells giving long-term immunity which helps respond quickly when an infection of the same pathogen occurs.
Explain how active immunity differs from passive immunity.
- Produces memory cells leading to long-term immunity
- Giving it a slower time to respond/slower response
State two ways that a pathogen can be transmitted indirectly.
- Food
- Water
State the type of protein used in the immune system that lymphocytes produce from amino acids.
Suggest why in 2010 the number of people living with HIV increased but the number of newly infected people decreased
- people living with HIV are living longer
- success in reducing transmission