13_ProcessRecords Flashcards
What does the ForEach scope do?
Splits a payload collection and processes the individual elements and returns the original payload.
What happens in a ForEach scope if an error occurs?
Stops processing and invokes an error if one element throws an exception.
What does the ForEach scope return?
The original paylaod (regardless of any modifications made inside the scope)
What can a collection be (for a ForEach scope)?
can be any supported content type including applicationjson, aplication/java and application/xml
What does the batch job provide?
The ability to split large messages and process them asynchronously in a batch jon.
Where is the batch job scope available?
Enterprise edition only.
What is created especially for processing data sets?
Batch Job scope.
What splits large or streamed messages into individual records, performs actions upon each record, handles record level failures that ocure so batch job is not aborted, reports on the results and potentially pushes the prcessed output to other systems or queues.
Batch Job scope.
Example use cases for Batch Job scope.
• Integrating data sets to parallel process records
– Small or large data sets, streaming or not
• Engineering “near real-time” data integration
– Synchronizing data sets between business applications
– Like syncing contacts between NetSuite and Salesforce
• Extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) info into a target system
– Like uploading data from a flat file (CSV) to Hadoop
• Handling large quantities of incoming data from an API into a legacy
A batch job contains one or more ?
Batch steps
What are the 3 different phases in a batch job?
Load and dispatch (behind the scene work), Process (asynchronoulsy processes the records and contains one or more batch steps), On Complete (optional - reports summary of records processed, rovised insight into which records failed so you can address issues).
Do all records have to finish processing in one step before any of them are send to the next step?
Batch records are queued and scheduled in blocks of? and a threading profile of ?? threads per job?
100 records, 16 threads
Can you customise the configuration for the block and threads?
Yes, as it may improve the batch’s performance in certain use cases
Variables created BEFORE a batch job are available where?
in ALL batch steps