01_AppNetworks Flashcards
What are the 3 API layers of an API-led connectivity approach?
System - Process - Experience
What is the backend API layer called?
System APIs
What is the front end API layer called?
Experience APIs
What is the middle layer API called?
Process APIs
C4E stands for?
Center for Enablement
What is a Center for Enablement?
It is a cross functional team that ensures assets are productized and pubished, consumable and fully leveraged.
How is C4E success measured?
On asset consumption.
An API could be referring to what 3 things?
API interface definition file (API spec). Web service (actual implementation you make calls to or the interface of that implementation). An API proxy (an application that contols acces to a web service, restrictign access and use through the use of an API gateway).
What is an API?
Provides info for how to communicate with a software component (defines Operations, inputs, outputs and underlying data types). It defines functionalities independent of implementations (you can change what’s going on behind the scenes without changing how people call it).
What is a web service?
A method of communication that allows two software systems to exchange data over the internet.
What are the 2 types of web service?
How are the communication rules defined for a SOAP web service?
XML based WSDL (Web Services Description Language) f
REST stands for?
Representational State Transfer (uses standard HTTP protocol)
What are the HTTP methods?
What does the PUT method do?
replaces a resource completely
What does a PATCH method do?
partially updates a resource
What is an API portal?
A place for developers to discover all the tools that they need to successfully use the API. Could include documentation, tutorials, registration to use the API, provide feedback and make requests and also test the API.
What is the difference between Unsecured APIs and Secured APIs?
Unsecured may be public and require no authentication, whilst Secured APIs are secured and require authentication such as credentials/tokens. Often a proxy is created to govern access to an API. Other protocols can be used to secure APIs (OAuth, SAML, JWT, … )
What do REST web services return?
response and status code
Status code 200?
OK - the request succeeded
Status code 201?
Created - a new resource or object in a collection
Status code 400?
Bad request - The request could not be performed by the server due to bad syntax or other reason in the request.
Status code 401?
Unauthorized - Auth credentials are required or user does not have access to the resource/method that they are requesting.
Status code 404?
Resource not found = URI is not recognized by the server.
Status code 500?
Server error - generic something went wrong with the server side.
What is an application network?
A network of applications, data and devices connected with APIs to make them plugable and to create reusable services
What is a web service?
A method of communication that allows two software sustems to exchange data over the internet