06_Events Flashcards
What is the structure of the Mule 4 event?
Mule Message - data that passes through the flows in the app, contains Attributes and Payload. Mule Variables - metadata that is defined and reference in the app processing the event
Where is each of the data from the HTTP request populated in a Mule 4 Event?
HTTP request: Headers, Data.
Headers -> Attributes
Data -> Payload
(both in the MuleSoft Message)
What is DataSense?
The ability to proactively discover metadata from internal and external resources.
At design time in Anypoint Studio, what uses datasense?
Transform message component, DataSense explorer, when writing expressions using auto-completion.
In Anypoint Studio where are the loffed values displayed?
Console View.
In apps that are deploted to CloudHub or customer-hosted runtimes where are the logged values displayed?
Log Files.
What component creates logged values?
Logger component.
What can you add tto processors to step through the application when debugging?
Adding breakpoints.
What port does the debugger listen for incoming TCP connections? Where can you change this?
localhost port 6666
in a project’s run configuration
What are the 2 different types of DataWeave expressions?
Standalong scripts (Transform Megssage) and Inline expresssions (use #[] - used to dynamically set the value of properties in an event processor or global configuration element) .
What syntax is used to reference the Mule event payload?
What syntax is used to reference the query parameter ‘frenchFries’?
What syntax is used to reference the variable ‘hairyBikers’?
What are the 2 different syntaxs for referencing the ‘id’ which is in the Mule Event payload?
#[message.payload.id] OR #[message.payload['id']]
(you don’t always need the message.payload you can have it withou the message so you just have e.g. payload.id)
Syntax for a key:value pair (single value selector)?