03_DesignAPIs Flashcards
What is spec driven development?
A developement process that is built in 2 distinct phases (design phase and development phase). Design phase - creation of the spec. Development phase - build code to match the spec.
What is the design phase?
Create the spec.
What is the development phase?
Build the code to match the spec.
What does RAML stand for?
Restful API Modelling Language.
Name some approaches to API design.
Hard coding, API Blueprint, OpenAPI Spec, RAML
What is RAML?
A simple, structured and succinct way og describing RESTful APIs.
What languages is RAML based on?
How is the data structure hierarchy established when using RAML?
Indentation (Not additional markup characters).
What is a resource?
The objects identified by the web service URL that you want to act upon using the HTTP method used for the request.
What is the notation for stating a resource within a RAML file?
All resources begin with a slash (/).
How do you state a nested resource?
Indentation and the resource will be enclosed by a scope bracket. e.g. /{nestedResource}.
Where will you find all the methods and parameters that belong to a specific resource?
They will all be nested under the resource.
Why would you want to mock an API before it is implemented?
Useful to get early feedback from developers and others.