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Medical Terminology
> 13.6 Abbreviations - Female > Flashcards
13.6 Abbreviations - Female Flashcards
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Medical Terminology
(62 decks)
4.1 Word Parts of the Musculoskeletal System Bones
4.2 Patient History, Problems, Complaints
4.3 Observation and Discovery
4.4 Diagnosis and Pathology
4.5 Treatments and Therapies
4.6 Abbreviations of the Musculoskeletal System
Chapter 5 The Nervous System—Neurology and Psychiatry
5.1 Word Parts of the Nervous System Word Parts Associated with the Structure of the Nervous System
5.2 Patient History, Problems, Complaints - Subjective
5.3 Observation and Discovery - Objective
5.4 Diagnosis and Pathology - Assessment
5.5 Treatments and Therapies - Plan
Medical Terminology - Extra Study Words - Extra Practice
6.1 Word Parts of the Sensory System Word Roots Associated with the Eye
6.2 Patient History, Problems, Complaints
6.3 Observation and Discovery The Eye
6.4 Diagnosis and Pathology The Eye
Treatments and Therapies -
7.1 Word Parts of the Endocrine System Word Roots for Endocrine Glands
7.2 Patient History, Problems, Complaints
7.3 Observation and Discovery
7.4 Diagnosis and Pathology
7.5 Treatments and Therapies
7.6 Abbreviation
8.1 Word Parts Associated with the Hematological/Immunological Systems
8.2 Patient History, Problems, Complaints - Subject
8.3 Observation and Discovery - Objective
8.4 Diagnosis and Pathology - Assessment
8.5 Treatments and Therapies - PLAN
The Cardiovascular System—Cardiology 9.1
9.2 Patient History, Problems, Complaints - Subject
9.3 Observation and Discovery - Objective
9.4 Diagnosis and Pathology - Assessment
9.5 Treatments and Therapies - Plan - Cardiac
9.6 Abbreviations - Cardiac
10.1 Word Parts of the Respiratory System
10.2 Patient History, Problems, Complaints - Cardiac
10.3 Observation and Discovery - Cardiac
10.4 Diagnosis and Pathology Cardiac Assessment
10.5 Treatments and Therapies - Cardiac
10.6 Abbreviations - Cardiac
11.1 The Gastrointestinal System—Gastroenterology
11.2 Patient History, Problems, Complaints - Gastroc
11.3 Observation and Discovery - Objective Gasrtroc
11.4 Diagnosis and Pathology - assessment
11.5 Treatments and Therapies - Plan Gastroc
11.6 Abbreviations - Gastroc
12.1 Word Parts of the Urinary System -
12.2 Word Parts of the Male Reproductive System
12.3 Patient History, Problems, Complaints - Subjective
12.4 Observation and Discovery - Male Uniary
12.5 Diagnosis and Pathology - Male
12.6 Treatments and Therapies -Male
12.7 Abbreviations - Male
13.1 Word Parts of the Female Reproductive System Gynecology, External
13.2 Patient History, Problems, Complaints - Female
13.3 Observation and Discovery - Female
13.4 Diagnosis and Pathology - Female Assessment
13.5 Treatments and Therapies - Female Plan
13.6 Abbreviations - Female
Health Professions
Abbreviation Of HealthCare