135 - Musculo-skel-neuro Flashcards
List the general principles of Neruo-musculo-skel therapy in practice:
Conservative – restrict activity
Chondroprotective agents
List the types of NSAIDs and describe how they work in musculo-skeletal conditions:
COX1 – ‘good guy’ normal wear & tear inflammation, normal cellular enzyme in kidney, stomach, and released almost constantly
COX2 – ‘bad guy’ trauma, little > none found in cells normally; COX 2 occurs with inflammation, bacterial products, cytokines
Prostaglandins – vasodilation, pain, swelling, impaired cellular function
Thromboxanes – stimulate vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation
Describe the role of methocarbamol / Robaxin-V in the therapy of musculo-skeletal conditions:
Exact MOA unknown, believed to be centrally acting
Decreases muscle hyperactivity w/o interfering with normal muscle tone i.e. disk dz, muscle, joint, tendon inflammation
What are glycosaminoglycans (GAGs):
List the type of musculo-skeletal conditions that glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are commonly used in :
Noninfective degenerative joint dysfunction
How do glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) function in musculo-skeletal therapy:
Stimulate synovial fluid secretion
Increase viscosity
Inhibits proteolytic enzymes that degrade proteoglycans and collagen in joints
Promote synthesis of proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid, collagen
Reduce inflammation by reducing PG E2 concentration
Increase hyaluronate concentrations in joint, restoring synovial joint viscosity
What are nutreceuticals:
Food Supplements
What two roles do anticonvulsants play in seizure conditions:
Control or prevent seizures
List the rules and recommendations that must be given to owners of epileptic animals:
Daily maintenance for life for successful treatment
Do not withdraw medication suddenly
Blood drug levels are checked routinely
Often need to increase drug dose or supplement with additional medications
Explain why drugs of the anti-cholinesterase class are used treat myasthenia gravis (MG):
The dz is characterized by a lack of functional acetylcholine receptors, so need to block acetylcholine since dz prevents processing of acetylcholine
List the general types of neurotransmitters used in veterinary medicine and what clinical signs they produce: (ie cholinergic agents – bradycardia, bronchial secretions, SLUD, and hypotension)
Anticonvulsants – drowsiness, agitation, anxiety, PU/PD
Cholinergics/ parasympathomimetic agents – bradycardia, hypotension, heart block, lacrimation, diarrhea, vomiting, increased GI motility, intestinal rupture, increased bronchial secretions
Cholinergic blocking – dose related, drowsiness, disorientation, tachycardia, photophobia, constipation, anxiety, burning at injection site
Adrenergics/ sympathetic agents – fight or flight responses, tachycardia, hypertension, nervousness, arrhythmias
Alpha Adrenergic blocking – hypotension, tachycardia, muscle tremors, seizures
Alpha1, alpha2 – excitatory response, except GI
Beta adrenergic blocking – bradycardia, hypotension, worsening heart failure, bronchoconstriction, heart block, syncope
Beta1, beta2 – inhibitory response, except heart
List some of the specific neurotransmitter agents and the conditions they are used for:
Cholinergics –
bethanechol/Urecholine – urinary tract atony, GI atony
pilocarpine/Pilocar – decrease IOP
metoclopramide/Reglan – stop vomiting, promote gastric emptying
Anticholinesterase –
edrophonium/Tensilon – dx myasthenia gravis
neostigmine/Protigmine – urine retention, GI atony
Cholinergic blockers –
atropine – pupil dilation, bradycardia, slow GI, preanesthetic, OP antidote
glycopyrrolate/ Robinul V – preanesthetic (longer acting)
aminopentamide/Centrine – control V&D
propantheline/Pro-Banthine – diarrhea, urinary incontinence, bradycardia
List the adrenergic receptors, location, and responses trigger by their stimulation:
Alpha1: arterioles – constriction; urethra – increased tone; eye – pupil dilation
Alpha2: skeletal muscle – constriction
Beta1: heart – increased rate, conduction, contractility; kidney – renin release
Beta2: skeletal blood vessel – dilation; bronchioles – dilation
Dopaminergic: kidneys – vessel dilation; heart – coronary vessel dilation; mesenteric blood vessels - dilation