1.3.4 Web Technologies Flashcards
What does HTML stand for?
- Hyper Text Markup Language
What is HTML and what can it do?
- Set of instructions telling how images and text should be displayed in a web browser.
- Webpages coded with HTML are read by web browsers which then interpret the tags and render the page visually.
What is the html tag
- Tells the browser that the file has been created using html. It begins with this tag and ends with this tag.
What is the head
- Contains the webpages header information.
- It is a container for metadata (data about data) and placed between and tags.
What is the title
- Defines the title of the document. Shown in the title bar.
- It is a required tag for all HTML documents.
What is the body tag?
- Contains the webpage’s content
- Defines the document’s main text, headings, paragraphs, images, hyperlinks, tables, lists.
What is the h* tag
- Define headings in order of importance. The h1 tag is the most important
What is the image tag?
- Used to embed an image into the HTML document. Images are linked to webpages.
img src = “Dog.jpg alt = ”picture of dog”
What does the tags src and alt mean?
- Src: Specifies the file path of the image
- Alt : Specifies the alternate text for the image if it can’t be displayed.
What is the a tag?
- Defines a hyperlink which is used to link 1 page to another .
- The most important attribute of the a tag is href, which indicates the link’s destination
What are the colours for a link that was unvisited, visited and active?
- Unvisited link - Blue underlined
- Visited link - Purple Underlined
- Active Link - Red Underlined
What is the ol tag?
- Defines an ordered list. Can be numerical or alphabetical.
What is the li tag?
- Used to define each item in a list.
What is the ul tag?
- Defines an unordered (bulleted list)
What does CSS stand for and what does it do?
- Cascading style sheets
- Describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screens, paper, other media
- Saves a lot of work by allocating developers to control the layout of multiple pages at once.
What are the different ways CSS can be used?
- Can be included directly inside the HTML file if it is defined inside a style tag. - it only affects the style of that page.
- Can use a separate external style sheet and change the look of the entire site by amending that file. Use link tags to link CSS page to HTML page.
What are some of the different properties of CSS
- background-color
- border-color
- border-width
- border-style
- font-family
- font-size
What is the code that links the external CSS file to the HTML page?
- link rel “stylesheet” href = “style.css” (in tags)
What are the different ways of linking parts of the HTML page to the Stylesheet?
- Using div tags
- div class = “main” in HTML page main{ (in stylesheet)
- Using id selector
- ol id = “ordered list” - (HTML page) #ordered list { - in stylesheet {
Describe 1 advantage of storing CSS in an external file rather than embedded within HTML files
- Content and formatting and kept separate (1)
- Changes can be made to the external style sheet and affect the whole site (1) saving time (1) and ensuring consistency (1)
- Stylesheets can be changed for different themes, or different devices (1)