1.3.3 Networks Flashcards
What is a network
Collection of interconnected computers (2 or more) that can communicate with each other and are connected by either cables or wireless.
What are the different network sizes
- Small businesses with a handful of devices
- Large corporate networks with thousands of devices
- Largest network - the internet
What are the advantages of a network
- Users can share files
- Users can share peripherals and connections to other networks (internet)
- Users can access files from any other device
- Servers can control security, software updates and backups for all devices
- Enable collaboration through tools and shared resources.
What are the disadvantages of networks
- Increased security risks to data.
- Malware and viruses can spread easily between computers
- If the server fails, the computers connected may not work
- Computers may run slower if there is a lot of data travelling on the network.
What are standards
- Are a set of hardware and software specifications that allow manufacturers to create products and services that are compatible with each other
- Ensures smooth compatibility with devices
Why do we need standards
- Without standards most devices wouldn’t be able to interact or communicate with eachother - are incompatible
Name an example of standards in use
- HTML is an early standard adopted within the World Wide Web for the display of web pages
Exam Question: Head of design tech: Explain why it would be more beneficial to both students and teachers if theses computers were networked
- Students can create their designs on 1 computer and easily open work on machine that is connected to CAM - no memory sticks
- Printer can queue jobs so students don’t have to wait
- Can share files collaboratively
- Teacher can back up students work
- Added security - behind login wall
- Network administrator can deploy CAD software to all machines and maintain them.
What is a protocol?
Protocols are a set of standard communication rules - allows devices in a network to communicate
What is handshaking?
- Both devices agree on a set of protocols to use.
- Handshaking signal is sent from 1 device to the other. Must agree to a bit rate, error correction and format of the packet
What are the different physical aspects that need to be considered before a choice of protocol is made
- Wired or wireless
- Serial or parallel data transmission
- Synchronous/asynchronous
- Copper/Fibre optic
- Simplex, half duplex or full duplex mode.
What are the different logical aspects that need to be considered before a choice of protocol is made
- Bit rate
- Error detection
- Packet size
- Ordering of packets
- Routing
- Compression and Encryption
- Digital signatures
What is HTTP
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- Allows web pages, including text and images to be transmitted over a network.
- Way for a client and server to send and receive requests and deliver HTML pages
What is HTTPS
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
- Secure version of HTTP - before communications start, data stream is encrypted.
How does HTTPS use SSL and what is the process
- The user makes a request and the server sends the public key
- Browser checks public key against certificate for that site
- If the key matches the user sends its own public key to the server
- A server generates a number using the user’s public key and separately using the public key from the certificate. Sent back to the user
- User then decrypts both messages using the private key and the public key from the certificate. If the decrypted numbers match, a secure connection will be established
What is FTP and what is its purpose
File Transfer Protocol
- Used for transmitting data between server and client or between computers
What is TCP and what is its purpose
- Transmission Control Protocol
- TCP provides reliable and error-checked streams of packets over a network.
- Each packet contains a checksum, sequence number, port numbers.
What is UDP and what is its purpose
- User Datagram Protocol
- Provides an unreliable communication - no error checking, ordering of packets
- However makes better use of bandwidth, used to send short messages where speed is more important than accuracy.
What is the purpose of POP and what is it
- Post Office Protocol
- Retrieves emails from a mail server and transfers them to your device, deleting them from the server in the process.
What is the purpose of IMAP and what is it
- Internet Message Access Protocol
- Retrieves emails from a server and keeps it on the mail server, maintaining synchronity between devices
What is the purpose of SMTP and what is it
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- Transfers/Sends outgoing emails between servers and email clients.
What is the Internet
- The internet is the most well known wide area network (WAN)
- Nothing more than a collection of interconnected networks, satellites, routers, cables
- World Wide Web is a service on the internet
What is the ISP
- Internet Service Provider
- Connected to router via a connection
- ISP is connected to the DNS.
What are routers connected to
- Devices on their own LANs
- Other routers on the WAN
- Servers
How is networking complex?
- Encryption, security and authentication of users and data.
- Different applications for different tasks
- Splitting data into packets and sequencing packets
- Different cables.
What is the purpose of layers?
- Is to divide the complex task of networking into smaller, simpler tasks that work together.
- Hardware/software at each layer has a defined responsibility - provides service to the layer above.
What are the advantages of layers
- Reducing a complex problem into smaller sub-problems
- Devices can be manufactured to operate at a particular layer
- Products from different vendors will work together.
What is the TCP/IP stack
- Stands for “Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol”… (1)
- Protocol(s)/set of rules… (1) -
- …for communicating across a network / the internet. (1)
- Each protocol belongs to a different layer. (1) - The layers are: Application, Transport, Internet, Link (1) -
- (Starting at the Application layer) data is further encapsulated as it as it is passed to the next layer. (1)
What are the 4 layers in the TCP/IP stack
- Application
- Transport
- Internet
- Link
What is the application layer
- Contains the most protocols which provide a wide range of network services.
- Provides a protocol relating to the application being sent.
- Network applications such as web browsers, email programs
What are examples of protocols operating on the application layer
What is the Transport Layer
- Focuses how packets will be transported without looking at the route
- Responsible for establishing an end-to-end connection and maintaining conversations between application processors
- Once connection is made, transport layer splits the data into packets.
What is added to each packet (Transport Layer)
- Its number sequence
- The total number of packets
- Port number the packet should use/ chescksum
What are examples of Transport Layer Protocols
What is the Internet/Network Layer
- Addresses and packages data for transmission. Routes packets across the network.
What is the protocol used in the Internet/Network Layer
What is the Link Layer
- Represents the actual physical connection between network devices.
- Responsible for adding the unique MAC address of the source device and destination device.
- When transmitting data between routers over a WAN, MAC address is changed at each hop on the route.
What are examples of things that operate on the link layer
- Copper twisted pair, fibre optic, Wi-Fi, Ethernet
What are I.P addresses
- For computers to talk to eachother they must have a unique address
- When data is transmitted over network, IP address of both the sender and reciever are in data packet.
- Used do it can be routed to the right destination.
Why do we need both a MAC address and IP address
- Communication on a LAN only requires link layer which creates frames using MAC addresses
- Communication on a WAN needs network and link layer
- Every device has unique MAC address however hard to store all MAC addresses of all devices. Therefore use MAC for LANs while routers cache some IP addresses.
How is data transmitted between hosts on the same network
- Host may need to broadcast first if MAC address is unknown - ARP protocol does this
- Traffic passes through the switch, switch examines source and destination address.
- Modern routers do LAN switching and WAN routing
How is data transmitted between hosts on different networks
- Data will be transmitted via a route
- The destination MAC will the address of the router
- When the frame reaches the router, router works out where it needs to be sent.
- Router sets its own MAC address as the source and the next device as the destination.
- If there are several routers on the path to the destination the source and destination address will be overwritten