13022018 Flashcards
Attribute analysis
- Objectively measuring and characterizing
An artifact’s physical characteristics
With the goal of learning abt the process of
The production, distribution and consumption of material culture - e.g. with stone tools
> Can reveal wt stage of production an artifact represent - Process: (see notes)
1) Collect projectile points of sample from a site
3) Create index
@Count of index
> 2 bell-shaped on size
Possible factors:
1) Functional difference
2) Time difference
3) Different manufactures
Analysis of decoration and vessel shape
- Enable linkage to “style” and “form”
Raw material sourcing can be done
1) Macroscopically:
- Based on color, inclusions, luster and other attributes that can be seen with the naked eye, and compared to source materials
2) Finer-grained techniques:
- With finger-grained techniques that analyze chemical composition such as, for example: XRF / X-Ray Fluorescence
> Non-destructive; characterizes materials by their elemental composition
2 general types of dating techniques
1) Absolute
2) Relative
> Stratigraphy: Law of superposition
> If you have date for B and date for D, can date “relative” date for C
- Examine the tree cross section
- Thinner annual rings: lower precipitation
- Build tree-ring chronologies by starting with living trees and then finding progressively older specimen
> Living tree > dead tree > old log cabin > prehistoric ruin > long-living tree
Radiocarbon (14C) dating
1) Based on the unstable, radioactive 14C isotope and its predictable presence in the atmosphere, equal to less than 1%, compared to 12C which is about 99% of carbon in atmosphere
2) Half-life cycle: 14C decays at a predictable rate at 5568 years
3) Limitation: Cannot date far too early sample
4) Can date “formerly living organic material” by counting amount of 14C in sample to figure out when formerly living organism died
5) Dates come with error ranges because dating process is based on statistical sampling of 14C (at ~+/- years)
* 6) Need multiple samples to properly date a site (more sample, better estimation)