13) Patients' Evaluations of Healthcare Flashcards
Why are we interested in patient’s views of healthcare?
Patient satisfaction important
Humanitarian and ethical impetus
Patient’s involved in healthcare
Accountability and legitimacy - obtaining funding
What are some ways that patients can give feedback on healthcare?
Friends and family test
Comments and rating on NHS choices
What is the function of Healthwatch?
Gives consumers a voice that is heard by commissioners and regulators of healthcare
What are the functions of patient advice and liaison service?
To offer confidential advice, support and information on health related matters
Advise on complaints procedures
Describe the current complaints process:
Can complain to CCG or hospital
If unsatisfied goes to health service ombudsman
What are patient’s problems with complaints?
Lack info on how to complain
Lack confidence that concerns will be resolved
People need support to complain
Want to know services learn from complaints
How can patient’s views be investigated indirectly?
Complaints, ombudsman’s report
How can patient’s views be investigated directly?
Qualitative - interviews, focus groups, observations
Why are quantitative investigations used more often that qualitative?
Cheap and easy
Less staff training
Anonymity guaranteed
Easy analysis
What are some things that cause patient dissatisfaction?
Interpersonal skills - poor communication, poor history taking
Content of healthcare - waiting times, poor access, poor outcomes, poor hygiene
What are the challenges in responding to dissatisfaction?
Patient’s views not reasonable or rational
Limit to resources
What is the functionalism approach to patient-professional relationship?
Lay people don’t have technical competence to remedy situation when ill, state of helplessness. Medicine restores good health
What are the features of the sick role?
Situation of dependence
Freed of social responsibilities
Should seek help and comply with treatment
What is the doctor’s role?
Use skills for benefit of patient
What are the criticism of the functionalism approach?
Chronic illness doesn’t fit sick role
Assumes patients are incompetent and passive
Doesn’t explain why things go wrong
What is the conflict theory approach to patient-professional relationship?
Doctors define health and illness and patient has little choice but to agree with this
Medicalisation causing loss of control for patient
What are the criticism of the conflict theory?
Patients aren’t always passive, can exert control by non-adherence
Patients can also medicalise issues
What is the interpretive approach to patient-professional relationship?
Looking at features of interaction that can help or hinder good care
What is the patient-centred approach to patient-professional relationship?
More egalitarian relationship, considering whole person and using shared decision making
What do patients need to contribute in a patient centred care approach?
Concerns and priorities
Severity of health problems
What are the challenges of shared decision making?
Some people don’t want to do it
When should patient power be limited?
Who has final responsibility?
Is there time?
What are the benefits of patient centred care?
Enhances prevention, health promotion and continuing relationship
Patient’s views taken into account