10) NHS Structure and Management Flashcards
When was the NHS created?
What are the 3 core principles of the NHS?
Universal, comprehensive and free at point of delivery
What changes were made to the NHS due to the Griffiths report (1980s)?
Increased accountability
Increase roles of mangers
increased marketisation of provision - competition between hospitals
What are the changes made to the NHS due to more current reforms?
Commissioning - budget given based on population needs
Health and Social Care Act - devolves commissioning power to GPs, increased use of markets
Describe the current structure of NHS (hierarchy):
Health Secretary -> Department of Health -> NHS England -> CCGs -> Provider organisations (hospitals and GPs)
What is the role of the Secretary of State for Health?
Overall accountability of NHS
What are the roles of the Department of Health?
Sets national standards, shapes direction of services and sets national tariff
What are the roles of NHS England?
Authorises CCGs
Supports, develops and performance manages commissioning
Commissions specialist services e.g. primary care
What are the roles of CCGs?
Work with HCP, patients and public to commission healthcare services, accounting for NICE guidelines
How do NHS trust gain income?
Services that CCGs commission for them
Undergraduate and postgraduate training
What are national tariffs?
Fee for services charged by service providers e.g. set price for procedure
What is the function of Monitor?
Financial and corporate governance of NHS trusts
What is the function of Care Quality Commission?
Quality of care to patients
What is the function of NICE?
Commissioning guidance and quality standards
What are the managerial roles that clinicians can take on?
Clinical and medical directors
What are some of the clinical director’s roles?
Provide medical education
Implement audits and policies
Develop guidelines and protocols
Induction of new doctors
How are hospital trusts organised?
Into clinical directorates based on speciality and each led by a clinical director and general manager
What are some of the medical director’s roles?
Responsible for quality of care
Link between board and medical staff
Approving job descriptions and interviewing
Disciplinary process
What are the difficulties associated with non-clinical management?
Medical culture hostile to non-clinical managers
Imposing authority
Changing power relationships