1.3: Factors that affect foreign trade Flashcards
Who where the first people that apportioned their resources and governed their communities in a way that promoted sustainability for future generations?
- First Nations
- Inut
- Metis
How was the trading initially in Canada?
People were trading goods and provided each other with stuff they needed to survive. It was like a gift giving
Who were one of the first Indigenous nations to encounter Europeans and engage in trade?
Where did Mi’kmaq lived?
On the coast during the warmer months and inland during the cooler ones
What was Mi’kmaw based on?
Fish and local game
The Mi’kmaq has close ties and trade relationships with other Mi’kmaq communities and members of the
Wabanaki Confederacy – the Maliseet, Passamaquoddy, Penobscot, and the Abenaki
Nisga’a whose traditional territory is in the
Nass River valley northeast (Prince Rupert in British Columbia) developed a trading system along
What were the Nisga’a main products were?
Fish products as well as the eulachan( which is a small type of fish like the smelt) and the oolichan grease
These were traded for staples and furs
Where are the homelands for Haudenosaunee ?
New York
What did Haudenosaunee traded for?
With their territories using tobacco staples such as corn, beans and squash (three sisters) furs and quahog shells to make wampum (beads used for ornaments, ceremony and commerce)
How were the Metis families economies divided?
Metis both included immediate and extended families and could change due to food resources.
Families could live in multiple tents, tipis and other of lodging
What did the Metis economic activities?
Fur trade
Where were the Metis farms located?
Around fur trade posts during the 16th to 17th century
Where were the Metis traditional farms?
in the Prairies were along river-banks.
Metis traded their yields especially grain with the
Hudson’s Bay Company or with local families
Inuit families moved frequentrly across the
Arctic and Northern regions to hunt and fish in order to sustain themselves.
In ___________ and ___________ Inuit families would move inland based on the winter migration of the caribou herds
Nunatsiavut (Labrador) and Nunavik (Quebec)
Where did Inuit families during Arctic regions?
Inland year to round to follow the caribou herds.
Inuit people were egalitarian. What does egalitarian mean?
ll people were equal and deserved equal rights and opportunities. Though the Inuit society was built on egalitarian values, men’s decision making was primarily based on matters outside of the home, while women’s decision making resided inside the home.
What did the Inuit trade?
Copper iron animal hides and soapstone between the Inupiat, Inuvialuit, and Inuinnait.
Who were the two companies in competition with fur?
The French Italic text startCompagnie du Nord-OuestItalic text End and the Hudson’s Bay Company
How did the Huson’s May Company moved away from the trade?
moved away from trade using ships and camps and instead focused on permanent trading posts in Canada. This means that they are in continuous need for the Indigenous people
Who created an extensive hunting distribution network across Canada?
Cree, they also provided the Europeans with beaver pelts in exchange for blankets rifles and other goods