1.3 Flashcards
5 Kingdoms
animal plant fungus prokaryote protoctist
Features of all living organisms have
- cytoplasm
- cell membrane
- DNA as a genetic material
- ribosomes in the cytoplasm
- enzymes involved in respiration
Animal Kingdom
- Multicellular
- No cell walls present
- No chloroplasts
- Ingest solid food
- Digest internally
Plant Kingdom
- Multicellular
- Cell walls present; made of cellulose
- Chloroplasts present in many leaves and stems
- Make their own food by photosynthesis
Fungus Kindgom
- Cell walls present; contain chitin
- No chloroplasts
- Made of many hyphae
- Nuclei present
Prokaryote Kingdom
- Single celled
- Cell wall present
- No nucleus
Protoctist Kingdom
- Single celled
- Some have chloroplasts
- Nucleus present
Why are viruses aren’t considered to be living organisms?
- They don’t feed, respire, excrete or grow.
2. They lack cell membranes, cytoplasm and ribosomes.
Poikilothermic Organisms
- variable temperature
- their temperature depends on that of the surroundings.
- there isn’t any internal regulatory mechanism present.
Homeothermic Organisms
- constant temperature
- their temperatures are kept more or less constant
- internal regulatory mechanism present.
head fused with a thorax.
means ‘jointed limbs’
Have a hard and firm an exoskeleton
Segmented bodies
Jointed limbs
Legs Body Division Antenna Eyes Wings Chelicerae
Legs - Three pairs of legs
Body Division - Body divided into head, thorax and abdomen.
Antenna - one pair
Eyes - one pair of compound eyes
Wings - usually two pairs of wings
Chelicerae - Not present
Legs Body Division Antenna Eyes Wings Chelicerae
Legs - four pairs of legs
Body division - cephalothorax and abdomen
Antenna - none
Eyes - several pairs of simple eyes
Wings - none
Chelicerae - present for biting and poisoning prey
Legs Body Division Antenna Eyes Wings Chelicerae
Legs - five or more pairs of legs
Body division - cephalothorax and abdomen
Antenna - two pairs of antenna
Eyes - one pair of compound eyes
Wings - none
Chelicerae - none
Legs Body Division Antenna Eyes Wings Chelicerae
Legs - 10 or more pairs of legs
Body division - body not divided into thorax and abdomen.
Antenna - one pair of antenna
Eyes - simple eyes
Wings - none
Chelicerae - none
vertebral column present
Body covering Movement Reproduction Blood kind Breathing
Body covering - Scales
Movement - Fins
Reproduction - Produce jelly-covered eggs in water
Blood kind - poikilothermic
Breathing - gills
Body covering Movement Reproduction Blood kind Breathing
Body covering - fur and hair
Movement - four limbs
Reproduction - produce live young
Blood kind - homeothermic
Breathing - lungs
They suckle their young
Body covering Movement Reproduction Blood kind Breathing
Body covering - moist skin
Movement - four limbs, webbed feet
Reproduction - Produce jelly-covered eggs in water
Blood kind - poikilothermic
Breathing - lungs and skin
Body covering Movement Reproduction Blood kind Breathing
Body covering - dry skin with scales
Movement - 4 legs apart from snakes
Reproduction - produce eggs with rubbery waterproof material and are laid on land
Blood kind - poikilothermic
Breathing - lungs
Body covering Movement Reproduction Blood kind Breathing
Body covering - feathers with scales on legs
Movement - two legs and two wings
Reproduction - produce eggs with a hard shell and laid on land
Blood kind - homeothermic
Breathing - lungs and beak
no specialised conducting tissue
Vascular plants
well-developed xylem and phloem
Flowering plants
Cellulose cell walls present
Sap vacuoles present
Reproduce by producing seeds
Land plants
Stem below the ground
Reproduce by spores
The stem takes form of a structure known as a ribosome
- long and narrow
- parallel leaf veins
- one cotyledon
- grouping of flower parts in threes
- broad
- branching
- two cotyledon
- grouping of flower parts in fives