13 Flashcards
Difference between prospective cohort vs cross sectional studies
Prospective cohort compares disease incidence
Cross sectional compares disease prevalence
Patients with celiac sprue who presents with GI sx (watery diarrhea) despite adherence to gluten free diet most likely has what disease?
Intestinal T cell lymphoma
oliguria, hypotension, elevated BUN and creatinine in hospitalized patient. Ddx?
Acute tubular necrosis (muddy brown cast, high FeNA)
Steps in evaluating impaired gastric emptying
- first rule out mechanical obstruction; upper endoscopy
- if nondiagnostic, and malignancy is a concern, obtain CT or MRI
- then perform tests for gastric dysmotility, like scintigraphic gastric emptying tests
Treatment for pregnant TB infected patients
9 months of isoniazid, ethambutol, rifampin
unless drug resistant, avoid pyrazinamide due to teratogenicity
Causes of acute painless vision loss
- central retinal artery occlusion: sudden, cherry red spot, hx of amaurosis fugax, pale fundus
- central retinal vein occlusion: subacute, retinal hemorrhage, optic disc edema (“blood and thunder”)
- retinal detachment: floaters, fundus with vitreous hemorrhage, marked elevation of retina
- vitreous hemorrhage: decreased red reflex, hemorrhage on funduscopy, bed rest with elevation
Characteristic lesions of cutaneous cryptococcus, confirmatory test?
small, reddish brown papules with central umbilication (like molluscum contagiosum)
- biopsy
Common fractures when you fall on an outstretched hand
colles fracture (distal radius)- at risk for acute CTS
scaphoid fracture
ulnar styloid fracture
Treatment of bacterial vaginosis (fishy odor, homongenous vaginal discharge)
oral metronidazole or clindamycin
Which diseases are related to multiple skin tags? dermatitis herpertiformis?
- skin tags: insulin resistance, pregnancy, crohn’s dz (perinanal)
- derm. herp: celiac disease
catatonia treatment
-benzo, ECT
Management of pts with acute ischemic stroke who received TPA
- keep bp <185/105
- do not give antiplatelets, anticoagulation, invasive therapy in the first 24 hours
Initial diagnostic test of dermatomyositis (proximal muscle weakness, helitrope rash, gottron’s papules, elevated muscle enzymes)? must needed screening test?
- ANA testing
- serum antibodies; anti Ro, La, anti Jo
- cancer screening test needed as it is associated with malignancy
Management of breast mass in women under 30 and above 30?
- <30: ultrasound +/- mammogram–> complicated cyst? then core biopsy, if not, elective needle aspiration1
- > 30: mammogram +/- ultrasound–> malignancy? then core biopsy
Autoimmune hepatitis (young to middle aged women, elevated AST/ALT and normal everything else) diagnosis test?
ANA, anti smooth muscle ab