121-140 Flashcards
If the PAX Cabin knob is set to ATTND, the flight attendant has control of the cabin temperature.
On a flight from DFW to SFO, you are filed for FL380 however while enroute ATC advises you that FL360 will be your final cruise altitude. What considerations do you have in regards to the pressurization system?
Change the cruise attitude in the MCDU to FL360 in order to lengthen the life of the airframe
The buttons on the AIR COND/PNEUMATIC control panel are in the AUTO position pressed in and dark (no white stripe bar).
What protects the airplane’s structure from damage due to over or under pressurization?
Safety valve and Negative pressure relief valve
While cruising at FL390, you receive a master caution light accompanied by a “PACK 1 FAIL” EICAS message. You were unable to restore the pack using the QRH procedure. What is the maximum altitude at which you may cruise?
The APU can supply bleed air for engine and wing anti-ice.
In AUTO mode, when the cabin DUMP button is depressed, this will command the following to occur:
Both answers A and B are correct:
The recirculation fans are turned off, the packs are turned off and the outflow valve opens to maintain 2,000 feet per minute climb to 12,400’
Choose the on-board sources of bleed air:
APU, Engine 1 and Engine 2
PACKS are automatically turned off during engine start (the button is in the AUTO position).
If the Pressurization Mode button is in AUTO, the LFE is automatically set based on the flight plan destination.
Shortly after takeoff you observe an “AI WING VLV OPEN” status message in VMC conditions. What is the most likely cause of this message?
This is a normal test that will occur 10 minutes after takeoff or at 10,000 feet AGL, whichever occurs first
After landing in DEN during a light snow shower, what action by the crew is required to turn the Anti-lce system ON while taxiing in to the gate on contaminated surfaces?
The Ice Protection switch should be moved to ON
When the buttons on the ice protection panel are pushed in (dark), operation is automatic.
The maximum windshield wiper speed is?
250 KIAS
Which of the following considerations should be given during an approach when the EICAS message “STALL PROT ICE SPEED” is displayed?
Pilot must use the “With Ice Accretion” chart when determining their V speeds for landing if ACARS is not available
If both ice detectors fail in flight, you will lose ice protection.
The ATIS reports an OAT of 7° C and overcast skies at 1500 feet. How should the pilot configure the aircraft’s ice protection system for takeoff?
TO DATASET MENU on the MCDU must be set to ENG
The tail (vertical and horizontal stabilizer) of the aircraft is provided with anti-icing.
When the Ice Protection Mode knob is set to AUTO, the ice protection will turn on in flight if the ice detector detects ice.
During taxi out the windshield is automatically heated under which of the following conditions?
Two engine taxi