1.2 How are motion and perception processed in the brain? Flashcards
Kolb & Wirshaw H9
Computer-geassisteerde apparaten ontwikkelt om biologisch functioneren te vervangen.
Motor cortex
Kolb & Wirshaw H9
Gehele zenuwstelsel, bestaat uit verschillende delen:
1. Brainstem and spinal cord = movements
2. Basal ganglia = force
3. Motor neurons
4. Cerebellum = accuracy
Kolb & Wirshaw H9
Bewegingen initieren, bestaat uit 4 neocorticale gebieden:
1. Posterior cortex
2. prefrontal cortex (PFC)
3. premotorcortex
4. primary cortex
Posterior cortex
Kolb & Wirshaw H9
Ligt achter central fissure (lijn).
- Specificeert bewegingsdoelen
- stuurt sensorische info naar frontale gebieden via verschillende routes.
* Directe route: gaan naar primaire motorcortex om bewegingen uit te voeren.
* Indirecte route: door de temporale en frontale cortex voor bewuste controle.
Prefrontale cortex
Kolb & Wirshaw H9
Genereert plannen voor bewegingen die het doorgeeft aan de premotor- en motorcortex.
Kolb & Wirshaw H9
Herbergt een bewegingsreportoire (lexicon) die o.a. andermans bewegingen herkent en soortgelijke of andere acties selecteert. Het premotorgebied bevat een ventraal en dorsaal gebied genaamd de supplementaire motorcortex.
Primaire motorcortex (M1)
Kolb & Wishaw H9
Bestaat uit meer elementaire bewegingen dan het premotorlexicon, zoals hand- en mondbewegingen.
What are the 2 routes when a movement goals arises?
Kolb & Wishaw H9
If movement is simple= premotor and motor cortex.
If planning is required= temporal and prefrontal cortices make decisions –> and then the premotor and motor cortices execute the appropriate movements.
Mapping motor cortex using electrical stimulation
Kolb & Wishaw H9
We rely primarily on our hands for manipulating objects, but can do is also with other parts of the body if we have to.
Most movements were triggered by stimulation of the primary cortex, M1. Movements can result from stimulation of the dorsal part of the premotor cortex, sot his is the supplementary motor cortex.
Homonculus: rare kleine mens die door de grootte van elk lichaamsdeel laat zien hoeveel precieze motor control deze hebben. PLAATJE
Multiple representations in the motor cortex
Kolb & Wishaw H9
A refinement showed many more homunculi, there may be 10 homunculi within the motor and premotor corticesm and parts of the homunculi are not arranged as simply as Penfield sketched them.
2 categories:
1. Natural movement categories
2. Visual-parietal-motor connections
Multiple representations in the motor cortex
Natural movement categories
Kolb & Wishaw H9
Micheal Graziano
Electrical stimulation elicits actions that’s called “ethological categories of movement”: because these are the movements that the monkey uses in its everyday activities.
The primary motor, premotor cortex and PFC all have different movement categories. There are many cortical maps of the body, but each map reflects a different action, each area reflects 3 types of organization:
1. The body part that needs to move
2. The spatial location to which the movement is directed
3. The function of the movement
What is the similarity between Penfield and Granziano?
Kolb & Wishaw H9
3 punten + extra ding :) en hij hoort niet geel te zijn want je kent m nog niet
- Whole-body movements are located in the dorsal premotor cortex,
- hand movements of reaching are located more ventrally, and
- hand movements to the mouth are located in the most ventral part of premotor cortex.
Whole body movements are represented in the premotor cortex and more discrete movements in the motor cortex.
Multiple representations in the motor cortex
Visual-parietal-motor connections
Kolb & Wishaw H9
Each cortical motor region makes a different contribution to movement:
- The visual cortex identifies the spatial location of the target and its shape
- The parietal cortex identifies the body part that will contact the object.
- The motor cortex represents the elements required to move the arm to the target and shape the digits to grasp it.
The connections from the visual cortex to the parietal cortex to the motor cortex form a dual pathway that causes the action of grasping the target.
Cortex identifies the target, brainstem and spinal cord orchestrate the movement.
Movement lexicon
Kolb & Wishaw H9
Graziano’s mapping supports the view that humans have lexicon/reportoir of movement categories in the cortex.
What is evidence for movement lexicon?
Kolb & Wishaw H9
- To pick up small objects, humans adopt a pincer grip, often with the thumb and index finger. Most primate species use this same grip pattern.
- After small lesion in which the pincer grip is lost, a person is likely to substituse a new movement, a whole-hand grip. Apparently then, the pincer grip and other skilled movements are not entirely learned but are part of the vocabulary in a prewired movement lexicon.