1.2 Development of the Cold War Flashcards
<p>When was the <strong>Truman Doctrine</strong>declared?</p>
<p>The Truman Doctrine was declared by President Harry Trumanin 1947</p>
<p>What did the Truman Doctrine say?</p>
<li>Countries had to decide between communism and capitalism</li>
<li>Communism limited people’s freedom</li>
<li>The USA was prepared to send troops and economic aid to countries resisting communism</li>
<p>When was the Marshall Plan passed?</p>
<p>The Mashall plan was passed in 1947</p>
<p>What was the <strong>Marshall Plan</strong>?</p>
<p>The USA tried to contain communism by giving military and economic assistance to primarily Western European countries. The Marshall Plan provided economic assistance to Europe to help rebuild after the war</p>
<p>What were the USA giving in Marshall Aid?</p>
<ul><li>The Marshall Plan provided economic assistance to back up the Truman Doctrine:<ul><li>$13 billion was provided by the USA helped to rebuild Europe</li></ul></li><li>In order to receive money, countries had to trade with the USA</li></ul>
<p>What was the aim of the Marshall Plan?</p>
<p>The plan hoped to stop communism by giving states and people a stake in the capitalist system</p>
<p>It looked to follow the system of containment of Communism</p>
<p>Which countries received Marshall aid?</p>
<p>16 Western European countries, including France, West Germany and Britain, received aid</p>
<p>But Stalin would not allow Eastern European countries to apply</p>
<p>How did the Soviets see the Marshall Plan?</p>
<p>The Soviet Union saw both the Truman Doctrine and the 1947 Marshall Plan as a threat to Eastern Europe</p>
<p>They were an example of US “economic imperialism”. This was a characterisation of the USA which continued for the rest of the Cold War</p>
<p>When was Cominform set up?</p>
<p>Cominform was set up in 1947</p>
<p>What did Cominform do?</p>
<ul><li>The Soviet bureau of Cominform organised all communist parties in Europe<ul><li>It arranged the parties under the leadership of the USSR in Moscow</li></ul></li><li>It encouraged parties in Western Europe to stop their countries accepting assistance under the Marshall Plan</li></ul>
<p>When was Comecon set up?</p>
<p>Comecon was set up in 1949</p>
<p>What was Comecon and which countries were in Comecon?</p>
<li>Comecon was the Soviet Union’s alternative to the Marshall Plan. Comecon countries were not allowed to sign up to the Marshall Plan</li>
<li>Comecon included Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Albania, and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany)</li>
<p>When was NATO set up?</p>
<p>NATO was set up in 1949</p>
<p>Which countries were in NATO?</p>
<li>NATO was a military alliance made up of the United States, Britain, Canada, The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, and France</li>
<li>In 1955, the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) became a member</li>
<p>What was the purpose of NATO?</p>
<li>The NATO alliance was based around the idea of “collective security” - when one country is attacked, the rest must assist it.</li>
<li>NATO acted as a buffer to a military attack by the Soviet Union on Western Europe</li>