11th to 21st January 2024 - Pradhan Mantri Anusuchit Jaati Abhyuday Yojana Flashcards
What is the acronym for the Pradhan Mantri Anusuchit Jaati Abhyuday Yojana?
Which Indian ministry is responsible for the PM-AJAY?
Ministry of Social Justice
What are the main aims of the PM-AJAY?
To promote the socio-economic development of SCs, reduce poverty, and improve their overall standard of living.
The PM-AJAY is a merged scheme of three previous initiatives. Name them.
Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY)
Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (SCA to SCSP)
Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojana (BJRCY)
List the three broad components of the PM-AJAY scheme.
Development of SC dominated villages into “Adarsh Gram”
‘Grants-in-aid’ for District/State-level Projects for the socio-economic betterment of SCs.
Construction of Hostels in educational institutions
What is the specific aim of the Adarsh Gram component?
To ensure the integrated development of villages with a majority SC population.
Under the grants-in-aid component, how much financial assistance can a beneficiary or household receive for assets?
Up to Rs.50,000 or 50% of the asset cost (whichever is less)
What are some of the special provisions for development of infrastructure under PM-AJAY?
Up to 15% of grants earmarked for schemes benefitting SC women
Up to 30% of grants for infrastructure development
At least 10% of funds for skill development
What does the term “Adarsh Gram” mean in the context of PM-AJAY?
“Adarsh Gram” means “Model Village”
List at least five of the ten domains under which Adarsh Gram development indicators are monitored.
(Choose any five from the following)
Drinking water and Sanitation
Health and Nutrition
Social Security
Rural Roads and Housing
Electricity and Clean fuel
Agricultural Practices
Financial Inclusion
Livelihood and Skill Development
In what year was the PM-AJAY scheme implemented?
What type of schemes does PM-AJAY fall under?
Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS)
Describe how funds are allocated for the “Grants-in-aid” component of the scheme.
Funds are provided to District/State-level Projects for the socio-economic upliftment of SCs.
For the construction of hostels, which educational institutions are given priority and why?
Higher educational institutions ranked highly in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) and those that receive full or partial funding from the Centre/State/UT governments. The reason is to promote access to quality education for SC students.
What is the key target group for the PM-AJAY scheme?
Scheduled Castes (SCs)
Can people who do not belong to the SC category benefit from the scheme? If so, how?
Yes, indirectly. Improving the infrastructure and development of SC dominated villages can have positive effects for the entire community.
Are there any initiatives within the scheme that specifically target SC women?
Yes, up to 15% of the total grants are reserved for income-generating economic schemes for SC women.
Define SCA to SCSP
Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Castes Sub Plan – a funding mechanism to support development plans with a focus on SC communities.
Explain what is meant by “Centrally Sponsored Scheme”
A scheme where the central government provides a significant portion of the funding and the state governments are responsible for implementation.
What does NIRF stand for?
National Institutional Ranking Framework (used for ranking educational institutions in India).