11_managing_occupational_health_20140117153136 Flashcards
Occupational health hazards include:
Chemical, physical and biological agents. Ergonomic and psychosocial hazards.
Acheson’s model of the main determinants of health (Figure 11.4) shows several layers of influence on health and wellbeing.
Individuals are at the centre with certain fixed genetic attributes that may impact on health, but surrounding the individuals are layers of influence that interact and are modifiable. Personal behaviours and lifestyle choices, such as smoking habits and lack of exercise, clearly have the potential to promote or damage health. Interactions with friends, relatives and the immediate community can also influence the health of individuals and communities. Living and working conditions, food supplies, and access to essential goods and services, are broader influences on a person’s ability to live a healthy life. The outermost layer shows the economic, cultural and environmental conditions prevalent in society as a whole.
Provision of vocational rehabilitation can require input from professionals from many different disciplines, including medical professionals, disability advisers and career counsellors. According to the Vocational Rehabilitation Association (VRA), the techniques used can include: 12
assessment and appraisal goal setting and intervention planning provision of health advice and promotion, in support of returning to work support for self-management of health conditions career (vocational) counselling individual and group counselling focused on facilitating adjustments to the medical and psychological impact of disability case management, referral, and service co-ordination programme evaluation and research interventions to remove environmental, employment and attitudinal obstacles consultation services among multiple parties and regulatory systems job analysis, job development and placement services, including assistance with employment and job accommodations the provision of consultation about and access to rehabilitation technology.
IOSH’s Good practice guide to rehabilitating people at work makes the following recommendations:
policy on rehabilitationline manager’s responsibilityEarly intervention is importantregular contact with employeesRehabilitation should begin at an appropriate stageRehabilitation should be considered as soon as it is clear that absence could be lengthyco-ordinated case management approach is bestarrange for the employee to see an occupational health adviserask about what the employee can and can’t doassess whether medical intervention, such as physiotherapy or counselling, will speed up the rehabilitation processplan a programme of rehabilitationmake reasonable adjustmentsconsider any health and safety issuesagree the arrangements for rehabilitation, and record themprogress should be monitored regularlyagree any significant changes to the employee’s role with the occupational health adviser or employee’s GP or specialist
In 1977 George Engel critiqued the prevailing reductionist biomedical model of medicine that suggests every disease process can be explained in terms of an underlying deviation from normal function, such as a pathogen, genetic or developmental abnormality, or injury; and proposed a new holistic alternative - the bio-psychosocial model. In his critique of the biomedical model Engel noted that: 4
Biochemical alterations do not necessarily translate directly into an illness and psychological alteration may, under certain circumstances, manifest as illnesses. Psychosocial variables are more important determinants of susceptibility, severity, and illness than had been previously appreciated. The success of the most biological of treatments is influenced by psychosocial factors, for example: the placebo effect. Patients are profoundly influenced by the way in which they are studied, and the scientists engaged in the study are influenced by their subjects.
The bio-psychosocial model
BiologicalPsychological Social=Health
Occupational health focuses on three main objectives:
The maintenance and promotion of workers’ health and working capacity. The improvement of working environment and work to become conducive to safety and health. The development of work organizations and working cultures in a direction which supports health and safety at work and in doing so also promotes a positive social climate and smooth operation and may enhance productivity of the undertakings.
In complex organisations with a spectrum of occupational health hazards a multi-faceted team of professionals may be required to help manage the risks. The key professionals are likely to be an occupational physician and occupational health nurse / adviser. Other professionals who may have a key role to play include: 6
Toxicologists Physiotherapists Ergonomists Microbiologists Psychologists Health physicists.
There are currently three levels of qualification in occupational medicine for doctors:
Diploma in Occupational Medicine (DOccMed) (recommended minimum standard of qualification). Associate membership of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (AFOM). Membership of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (MFOM).
Nurses who carry out occupational health surveillance should, as a minimum, be registered with
the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). They may also hold an occupational health qualification at Certificate, Diploma or Degree level. If the nurse does not have an occupational health qualification then they should work under the supervision of an appropriately qualified clinician (doctor or nurse).
Generally the distinction between assessment and surveillance is the same as the distinction between
measuring and monitoring
There are many activities that can be done to measure or monitor the health of employees that should not be confused with health surveillance. Examples include measures necessary to comply with legal duties such as:
Pre-placement and annual medical examinations to assess an individual’s fitness for work, under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999. Health screening such as eye and eyesight testing under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992. Assessments of fitness to drive or operate cranes within dock premises under the Docks Regulations 1988. Fitness for work health assessments offered to night workers under the Working Time Regulations 1998.
Health surveillance is about
putting in place systematic, regular and appropriate procedures to detect early signs of work-related ill health among employees exposed to certain health risks. It is also about acting on the results to prevent any progression of work-related ill health.
Health surveillance offers a range of potential benefits for the employer and employees, including: 5
Detecting harmful health effects at an early stage, protecting workers and helping to keep them fit for work. Checking the on-going effectiveness of control measures. Providing data by health records to help detect and evaluate health risks. Providing an opportunity to train and instruct employees further in safe and healthy working practices. Giving employees a chance to raise concerns about the effect of work on health.
Health surveillance may be appropriate where
a risk cannot be reduced or controlled to such a level that it will not be harmful to health.