01_principles_of_toxicology_and_epidemiology_20140117152955 Flashcards
There are several pieces of legislation that control the supply and use of hazardous substances in the UK. These are: 6
European Regulations Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation EC 1907/2008 Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances, and Mixtures (CLP) Regulation EC1272/2008 UK Regulations Chemical (Hazard, Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2009 CHIP4 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, as amended CoSHH Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002 CLAW Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 CAR
Countries in the United Nations, including those in the European Union, have been working together with industry representatives and others to agree a classification and labelling system that can be used worldwide. The outcome is
the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, known as the ‘GHS’. The GHS provides a single system to identify hazards and to communicate them in transporting and supplying chemicals across the world i.e. labels and safety data sheets.
European Union (EU) Member States agreed to adopt the GHS across the EU through a direct acting Regulation:
the Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures. This is also known as the ‘CLP Regulation’ or just ‘CLP’.
In addition to CLP The European Commission presented a proposal for a new EU regulatory system for chemicals:
REACH, which stands for: Registration Evaluation Authorisation of CHemicals.
All Chemicals will require EU authorisation by _________ before the materials are allowed to sold or imported within the EU. Their use may also be restricted.
the European Chemical Agency (ECHA)
REACH is an EU Regulation that covers all chemicals (with a few exceptions) if they are manufactured or imported into the EU in quantities of ________________
1 tonne or above.
REACH is designed to: 7
Improve information in the supply chain - many substances are data poor and this can lead to inadequate risk assessments. Promote better risk management measures. Facilitate compliance with CoSHH. Encourage the use of safer alternatives for CMR substances. Allow the free movement of substances on the EU market. Question the need for animal testing. Lead to improvements in occupational health.
Under REACH, each producer and importer of chemicals in volumes of 1 tonne or more per year and will have to register each chemical with the EU Chemicals Agency (the ECHA), submitting information on:
properties uses safe ways of handling them.
Through REACH evaluation, public authorities will look in more detail at registration dossiers and at substances of concern. 4
Completeness check. Compliance check. Dossier evaluation. Substance evaluation.
Under REACH, Use-specific authorisation will be required for chemicals that cause: 4
Cancer Mutations Problems with reproduction. It is also required for those that accumulate in human bodies and the environment.
A comparison between the approach of REACH and CoSHH 4
REACH CoSHH Main obligations on manufacturer / importer (though also on supplier and downstream user) All obligations on individual employer Covers manufacture of a substance and all identified uses across the EU >10 tonnes / year Covers all work activities with all hazardous substances at that site, including process derived substances (dust, fume etc.) Substance driven Tends to be task/process driven Risk management measures more likely to be broadly based Risk management measures more likely to be site specific
The intention of the CLP Regulation is:
very similar to CHIP – substances and mixtures that are placed on the market should be classified, labelled and packaged appropriately. But because CLP adopts the GHS, in time, the same classifications and labelling will be used throughout the world.
CHIP 4 is a set of UK Regulations that
sets out the transitional arrangements for the implementation of CLP within the UK,
Classification Classification is the process of: 2
Deciding what kind of hazard the chemical has. Explaining the hazard by assigning a simple sentence that describes it (known as a ‘risk phrase’ or ‘R-phrase’ for short).
Labelling If a dangerous chemical is supplied in a package, the package must be labelled. The aim of the label is to: 2
Inform anyone handling the package or using the chemicals about its hazards. Give brief advice on what precautions are needed.
Packaging CHIP requires that the packaging used for a chemical must be suitable. CHIP sets out special requirements for the packaging of certain chemicals that are sold to the public: 2
Some have to be fitted with a child-resistant closure (meeting a certain standard) to prevent young children swallowing the contents. Some must have a tactile danger warning (normally a small, raised triangle) to alert the blind and partially sighted that they are handling a dangerous product.
CoSHH defines a ‘substance hazardous to health’ as one which: 5
1) Is listed in the approved supply list (ASL) as dangerous for supply within the meaning of the CHIP Regulations and for which an indication of danger specified for the substance is very toxic, toxic, harmful, corrosive or irritant. 2) The Health and Safety Executive has approved a workplace exposure limit (WEL). 3) Is a biological agent. 4) Is dust (other than those covered in (a) or (b) above) present at a concentration in air equal to or greater than: 10 mg/m3, as a time-weighted average over an 8-hour period, of inhalable dust 4 mg/m3, as a time-weighted average over an 8-hour period, of respirable dust 5) Because of its chemical or toxicological properties and the way it is used or is present at the workplace creates a risk to health.
A summary of the CoSHH duties
6 Risk assessment 7 Prevention or control of exposure 8 Use of control measures 9 maintenance, examination and test of control measures 10 Monitoring exposure at workplace 11 Health surveillance 12 Information, training 13 Arrangements to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies
Monitoring exposure (Regulation 10) Where the risk assessment indicates it is necessary, workplace (environmental) monitoring of exposure must be undertaken unless it is possible to demonstrate another means of preventing or controlling exposure. Monitoring must be at regular intervals in addition to when a change occurs that may affect exposure. There is mandatory monitoring for:
Vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) Spray given off from vessels at which an electrolytic chromium process is carried on, except trivalent chromium
Health surveillance (Regulation 11) Health surveillance of employees should be carried out where:
An identifiable disease or adverse health effect may be related to the exposure. There is a ‘reasonable likelihood’ that the disease or health effect may occur under the particular conditions of work. Valid techniques exist for detecting indications of the disease of health effect. The technique presents a low risk to the employee.
Information, instruction and training (Regulation 12) This regulation demands that all employees are liable to be exposed to hazardous substances, they are provided with suitable and sufficient information, instruction and training, including: 6
Details of the hazardous substances including: - Names of substances and the risk that they present to health - Any relevant occupational exposure standard, maximum exposure limit or similar occupational exposure limit - Access to any relevant safety data sheet. Other legislative provisions which concern the hazardous properties of those substances. Significant findings of risk assessment. Appropriate precautions and actions to be taken by the employee in order to safeguard himself and other employees at the workplace. Results of any monitoring of exposure and, in particular, in the case of a substance hazardous to health for which a maximum exposure limit has been approved, the employee or his representatives shall be informed forthwith, if the results of such monitoring show that the maximum exposure limit has been exceeded. Collective results of any health surveillance undertaken in a form calculated to prevent those results from being identified as relating to a particular person.
Accidents, incidents and emergencies (Regulation 13) Regulation 13 requires that employers prepare for possible accidents, incidents and emergencies involving hazardous substances by: 3
Preparing emergency procedures, including provision of first aid. Making available technical information on possible accidents and hazards and bringing it to the attention of the emergency services. Installing alarms and other warnings and communication systems.
An employee’s exposure to lead is significant if one of the following three conditions is satisfied:
1) Exposure exceeds half the occupational exposure limit for lead. 2) There is a substantial risk of the employee ingesting lead. 3) If there is a risk of an employee’s skin coming into contact with lead alkyls or any other substance containing lead in a form, for example: lead naphthenate, which can also be absorbed through the skin.
Also, lead can be easily absorbed through ingestion. To avoid this risk, it is important to
make sure that employees do not eat, drink or smoke in any place which is liable to be contaminated by lead.
If there is significant exposure to lead, the monitoring of employees’ exposure should be carried out by both:
Air sampling. Measuring the concentration of lead in their blood or their urine (for work with lead alkyls). These two approaches have complementary roles.
Action levels are concentrations of lead in blood set below the appropriate suspension limit. If these are reached or exceeded, the employer must: 3
Carry out an urgent investigation to find out why Review control measures Take steps to reduce the employee’s blood-lead concentration below the action level, so far as is reasonably practicable.
Asbestos is classified as
a category 1 carcinogen
Since the 2006 Control of Asbestos Regulations there has been a single Control Limit of
0.1f/cm3 (equivalent to 0.1f/ml) The Action Levels have been withdrawn. The Short Term Exposure Limit of 0.6f/cm3 over 10 minutes is maintained, but is an ACoP standard instead of being in the regulations because there is no requirement for a STEL in the EU Directive on Asbestos.
The duty holder has to take reasonable steps to find out if there are asbestos containing materials (ACMs) in the premises and, if so, how much, where they are and what condition they are in. This can, but does not have to, involve a survey. A survey can be: 2
Management survey: This is to locate all materials that are likely to contain asbestos. It will usually involve the taking of samples to confirm the presence of asbestos. If no samples have been taken then it is assumed that all materials contain asbestos. Refurbishment/demolition surveys: These involve getting access full access to all parts of the building using destructive inspection if necessary and will involve the taking of samples which are analysed to confirm whether asbestos is present. This type is usually used before major refurbishment or just before demolition.
No employer can carry out demolition, maintenance or any other work which exposes, or may expose, their employees to asbestos in any premises unless they have found out: 4
whether asbestos is, or may be, present what type of asbestos it is what material it is in what condition it is in if there is any doubt about whether asbestos is present, the employer has assumed that it is present and that it is not only white asbestos.
An employer must hold a licence before undertaking any licensable work with asbestos. ‘Licensable work with asbestos’ is defined as work: 4
Where the exposure to asbestos of employees is not sporadic and of low intensity. In relation to which the risk assessment cannot clearly demonstrate that the control limit will not be exceeded. On asbestos coating On asbestos insulating board (AIB) or asbestos insulation for which the risk assessment: - demonstrates that the work is not sporadic and of low intensity - cannot clearly demonstrate that the control limit will not be exceeded - demonstrates that the work is not short duration work.
Every employer must give adequate training (which includes information and instruction) to employees who are, or may be, exposed to asbestos, their supervisors and those who do work to help the employer comply with these Regulations. This should make them aware of: 6
The properties of asbestos, its health effects and the interaction of asbestos and smoking. The type of materials likely to contain asbestos. What work could cause asbestos exposure and the importance of preventing exposure. How work can be done safely and what equipment is needed. Emergency procedures. Hygiene facilities and decontamination.
Apart from a few exceptions (where exposure is very low), for each employee who is exposed to asbestos, employers have to: 5
Keep a health record. Keep the record (or a copy) for at least 40 years. Ensure the employees are under adequate medical surveillance by a relevant doctor (appointed doctor or employment medical advisor). Provide a medical examination not more than two years before such exposure and one at least every two years while such exposure continues (certificates of examination need to be kept for four years). Tell the employee if the medical shows any disease or ill-health effect from the exposure.
The upper respiratory tract consists of
Mouth, nose and nasal cavityPharynxLarynx
The lower respiratory tract consists of
Most body organs are supplied by two separate sets of motor neurone nerves; one from the sympathetic system and one from the parasympathetic system. These neurones have opposite (or antagonistic) effects. In general the sympathetic system
stimulates the ‘fight or flight’ responses to threatening situations
Most body organs are supplied by two separate sets of motor neurone nerves; one from the sympathetic system and one from the parasympathetic system. These neurones have opposite (or antagonistic) effects. In general the
parasympathetic system relaxes the body
The skin is the body’s largest organ, covering the entire outside of the body and weighing approximately 3 kilos. In addition to serving as a protective shield against heat, light, injury, and infection, the skin also: 3
regulates body temperature stores water, fat, and vitamin D can sense painful and pleasant stimulation.
The skin is made up of the following layers, with each layer performing specific functions: 3
Epidermis Dermis Subcutaneous (fat) layer.
The epidermis is the thin outer layer of the skin. The epidermis itself is made up of three sub-layers:
Stratum corneum (horny layer) Keratinocytes Basal layer
The dermis is the middle layer of the skin. The dermis is made up of the following: 4
Blood vessels Lymph vessels Hair follicles Sweat glands
Pneumoconiosis is
When dust particles of a certain size of some substances are inhaled the lungs are unable to remove them. The particles become embedded in the lungs
The safety data sheet should be dated and contain the following headings: 19
Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking Hazards identification Composition/information on ingredients First-aid measures Fire-fighting measures Accidental release measures Handling and storage Exposure controls/personal protection Physical and chemical properties Stability and reactivity Toxicological information Ecological information Disposal considerations Transport information Regulatory information Other information.
Very Toxic
Substances and preparations which, at very low levels, may cause death, acute or chronic damage to health when inhaled, swallowed or absorbed via the skin.