118. Like / as if / as though Flashcards
Esa casa parece que va a caer
That house looks like it’s going to fall down.
Helen parecía que tuviera un resfriado, ¿verdad?
Helen sounded like she had a cold, didn’t she?
Acabo de volver de vacaciones, pero me siento muy cansado. No me siento como si hubiera tenido un día de fiesta.
I’ve just got back from holiday, but I feel very
tired. I don’t feel like I’ve had a holiday.
Esa casa parece como si fuera a caerse.
That house looks as if it’s going to fall down.
Helen sonaba como si tuviera un resfriado, ¿verdad?
Helen sounded as if she had a cold, didn’t she?
No me siento como si yo he tenido un día de fiesta.
I don’t feel as though I’ve had a holiday.
Te ves cansado.
You look tired.
Te ves como si no hubieras dormido.
You look like you haven’t slept.
Sarah llega muy tarde, ¿verdad? parece que no va a venir.
Sarah is very late, isn’t she? lt looks like she isn’t coming.
Tomamos un paraguas, ya que parecía que iba a llover.
We took an umbrella because it looked like it was going to rain.
El ruido es muy ruidoso al lado. Parece que
que están teniendo una fiesta.
The noise is very loud next door. lt sounds like
they’re having a party.
parece como si no fuera a venir.
lt looks as if she isn’t coming. or
lt looks as though she isn ‘t coming.
parecía que iba a llover.
lt Looked as if it was going to rain.
Suena como si estuvieran dando una fiesta.
lt sounds as though they’re having a party.
Corrió como si estuviera corriendo por su vida.
He ran like he was running for his Life.
Después de la interrupción, el orador continuó hablando como si nada hubiera sucedido.
After the interruption, the speaker went on talking as if nothing had happened.
Cuando les expliqué mi plan, me miraron como si estuviera loco.
When I told them my plan, they looked at me as though I was mad.
No me gusta Tim. Él habla como si supiera todo.
I don’t like Tim. He talks as if he knew everything.
Siempre me está pidiendo que haga cosas para ella - como si no tuviera bastante que hacer.
She’s always asking me to do things for her - as if I didn’t have enough to do already.
Gary tiene solo 40 ¿Por qué se habla de él como si fuera un viejo?
Gary’s only 40. Why do you talk about him as if he was an old man?
¿Por qué se habla de él como si fuera anciano?
Why do you talk about him as if he were (or was) an old man?
Me tratan como si fuera (o era) su propio hijo.
They treat me as if I were (or was) their own son.