114 Flashcards
Navy Meteorology and Oceanography supports IW mission how?
Brings time dominate information in a single source package.
General mission and organizational structure of CTG 80.7
Provides METOC, bathy/hydro and PTA to ensure operational success and security cooperation.
Define Battle Space on Demand
BOND supports long range Naval Oceanography strategy for linking environmental data to timely and informed decisions.
What is Oceanography?
Measuring undersatanding and predicting to improce decision making
What is meteorology?
modeling and characterizing weather events to ensure fleet safety and effectiveness
what is hydrogaphy?
Surveying and charting the oceans for safety of navigation and tactical superiority?
what is precise time and astrometry?
providing foundational standard for navigation targeting communication and assumed C2.
Naval Oceanography Operating Concept is what?
PRoviding timely comprehensive and tactically relevant METOC products to Carrier Strike Group, Expeditionary Strike Group and Amphibious Reaginess Group commanders.
Define the CTG 80.7 command center portal
website on SIPR/NIPR where commands can go to find METOC info relevant to their area. any info not on the website requires a RFS (request for service)
What is an FNMOC?
Fleet numerical meteorology and oceanography center
Where are maritime support METOC sites?
FWC Norfolk. FWC San Diego. Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Pearl Harbor
what is an OTSR?
Optimal Track Ship Routing. Issued upon receipt of MOVREP requesting service.
OTSR Route and divert recommendation?
issued when wind limit will be exceeded and this is determined by supporting unit. Planning routes must be 72 hours before getting underway.
What is a special weather advisory?
issued for prolonged periods of heavy weather in high traffic areas in the AOR. 72+ hours in advance
What is WEAX?
enroute weather forecast. tailored weather and sea state forecast along a units PIM, MODLOC, or OCONMUS port. Requested via MOVEREP
OPAREA forecast
Produced once a day for major operating areas.
What is Resource Protection?
Ensuring weather products are properly dissemenated to the places that need them.
instruction stating pilots are required to have a weather briefing
what is an HWD?
Horizontal WEather Depiction
Flight Weather Briefing. Provides weather information for departure point, flight route, landing point and alternate landing points.
What is a Thunderstorm Watch T2?
Destructive winds within 25 nautical miles expected within 6 hours.
What is a Thunderstorm Watch T1?
Destructive winds within 10 nautical miles or expected within 1 hour.
What is a Severe Thunderstorm Warning T2?
Gusts of winds over 50 knotes and hail with 3/4” diameter expected within 25 NM or within 6 hours.
What is a severe thunderstorm Warning T1?
Gusts of wind greater than 50 knotes expected within 10 NM or within 1 hour.
Small Craft Warning is what?
18-33mph winds.
How many TCCORs are there?
TCOR1 - 5
- destructive winds are possible within 96 hours.
- within 72 hours.
- 48 hours. preliminary cautions.
- within 24 hours. Take precautions and get ready.
- Occuring or within 12 hours. Take final precautions.
What is JTWC and its role?
Joint typhoon warning center. Issues tropical cyclone warnings of pacific and indian oceans and will act as SME and operation lisaison to NOAA for all METOC related functions during an event.