1.1.2 Education: Ethnic Differences in Achievement Flashcards
Ethnic differences in achievement
What percentage of Chinese students get a 5+ in English and maths at GCSE
Ethnic differences in achievement
What are the major trends in ethnic achievement?
White and Asian pupils on average do better then Black students
Internal Factors
What are some criticisms of Gillborn’s view of institutional racism?
- Sewell argues that institutional racism and internal factors are not strong enough to create underachievement. Instead, he focuses on external factors such as anti-school subcultures, the influence of peer groups, and absent fathers.
- Critics argue that Asian overachievement displays that the educational system isn’t racist but Gillborn critiques this, saying that Asian overachievement is as attempt to make the system seem meritocratic.
Internal Factors
What way do critical race theorists argue that access to opportunities make education institutionally racist?
Opportunities such as the ‘gifted and talented’ programme aim to benefit bright pupils but Gillborn argues that statistics suggest white pupils are over twice as likely as black pupils to be identified as clever and gifted.
Internal Factors
What way do critical race theorists argue that assessments make education institutionally racist?
(and name)
Gillborn (2008) argues that ‘the assessment game’ is rigged so as to validate the dominate culture’s superiority.
Internal Factors
What way do critical race theorists argue that the ethnocentric curriculum makes education institutionally racist?
The ethnocentric curriculum is a curriculum which reflects the culture of one ethnic group. It builds racial bias in education as Languages, literature, history and music are centred around a ‘specifically British’ curriculum.
Internal Factors
What way does Gillborn argue that marketisation and segregation make education institutionally racist?
Marketisation gives schools scope to select students, allowing negative stereotypes to influence admissions.
Internal Factors
What are the five ways that critical race theorists such as Gillborn argue education is institutionally racist?
- Marketisation and segregation
- The ethnocentric curriculum
- Assessment
- Access to new opportunities
- The ‘New IQ-ism’
Internal Factors
What is locked-in inequality?
- for critical race theorists, the history of institutional racism is so large, there no longer needs to be concious attempts at racism, but its self-perpetuating. - locked in
Internal Factors
What do Tonya and WIlliams argue about examining racism?
- We must go beyond individual teachers, and examine how institutions consistently discriminate against minority ethnic groups.
- Acknowledge a difference betweenindividualracism andinstitutional racism
External Factors
What are some reasons for minority ethnic groups being at higher risk of low income?
- Many live in low income areas
- Lack of language skills and foreign qualifications not being recognised.
- Asylum seekers may not be allowed to take work
External Factors
What are Palmer’s statistic on material deprivation in ethnic minorities?
Almost half of those in minority ethnic groups live in low income families
External Factors
What are the criticisms of cultural deprivation theory?
- Keddie - victim blaming. Not culturally deprived, but culturally different.
- Labelling theorists - argue that underachievement lies not in low aspirations, but in teacher’s stereotyping.
- Critical race theorists - argue that the educational system as a whole is institutionally racist.
External Factors
What are the main factors affecting ethnic differences in education?
- Cultural deprivation
- Material deprivation and class
- Racism in wider society
External Factors
What does Sewell argue about Asian families?
Chinese and Indian families benefit from a supportive family which has an ‘Asian work ethic’
External Factors
What is Gillborn’s view on racism within education?
Argues that it is not peer pressure or absent fathers, but institutionalised racism within the educational system which results in the underachievement of Black boys
External Factors
What is Sewell’s view on absent fathers
- Results in a lack of ‘fatherly tough love’ which pushes young boys to seek this elsewhere which they find in gangs.
- Also feel pressure from peer group to join these subcultures
- deficit view
External Factors
What is the cultural deprivation belief about family structure?
- failure to socialise children properly is the result of inadequate family structure.
- For example, in Black families, lone single mothers is a common family type which results in young black boys not being disciplined properly and not having a role model.
- This view has been heavily criticised
External Factors
What did Platt and Parsons find about minority ethnic groups aspirations?
found that among 7 - 14 year olds, minority ethnic group girls and boys had higher career aspirations than their White counterparts and were more likely to aspire to highly-paid jobs.
External Factors
What do cultural deprivation theorists argue about norms and values
- lack of aspiration is a large aspect of underachievment
- Some minority ethnic groups are socialised into having a fatalistic attitude which doesn’t value education.