#11 Sterilization /Disinfection of Patient-Care Items Flashcards
What some components of the Standard Precautions ?
1) Hand washing
2) Personal Protective Equipement
3) Controls to Prevent Injuries
4) Proper Management of Patient CareItems & Environment Surfaces
What is bloodborne transmission?
- Transfer of bloodborne pathogens from an infected host to a susceptible person
- Can occur through;
- Cuts
- Punture Wounds
- Cracks in the Skin
- Splashes or Splatter
What are the Patient-Care Item Categories?
1) Critical -High Risk
2) Semicirtical -Moderate Risk
3) Non-criitcal- Low Risk
What is the Critical category ?
- Penetrate SOFT TISSUE, contacts BONE, enter into or contact the bloodstream or other normally sterile tissue.
- Heat sterilize btwn uses or use sterile single use devices
What is the Semi critical category?
- Contact MUCOUS MEMBRANES, but not soft tissue, bone, or enter into or contact the bloodstream or other normally sterile tissue.
- Dental mouth mirror amalgam condenser, reusable dental impression trays, dental hand-pieces
What is the noncritical category?
- Contact w/ intact skin
- Blood pressure cuff, stethoscope, pulse oximeter
Regarding the critical category, the greatest risk of disease transmission = _______________
Heat sterilization
Regarding Semicritical the lower risk of disease transmission _____________________
Should be heat sterilized if heat tolerant. If NOT heat tolerant, use high-level disinfectant/liquid sterilant. Consider replacing items w/ disposable or heat-tolerant versions
Dental Hand-pieces ___________
- Semi-critical
- Ensure patient safety, ALWAYS sterilize hand pieces using heat
Non critical items can generally be cleaned how?
By Low-level disinfected. If visibly soiled w/ blood, clean and disinfect w/ intermediate-level disinfectant before use on next patient.
Which procedures need to be performed correctly evert time to insure desired result?
1) Cleaning: MOST important step in processing. All remaining blood, fluids, and other debris must be cleared away from sterilizing method to work
2) Prepare and package:
Prepare instruments for heat sterilization by wrapping or bagging
3) Sterilize: Use of physical (heat) or chemical procedure to destroy all microbes. (spores also)
4) Store: In an area that is dry & away from contaminants
What are ultrasonic cleaners?
- Special solutions
- High energy sound waves
What are instrument washers?
-High water flow rates special detergents fully automated
What are the Sterilization methods? *Autoclave
- HIGH TEMP, STEAM under pressure, create an environment where microbes cannot survive
- Advantage: SHORT cycle time, steam penetrates well, easiest loading, appropriate for most dental items
- Disadvantage: corrosion of some materials, wet packages, dulling of some sharp edges (Instruments must be totally dry)
Example: Gravity displacement 30 min (250F)
Pre-vacuum sterilizer 4 min (270F)
What are the Sterilization methods? *Dry Heat Sterilizer
“Static air” –>High heat (340 F) for 60 min(340F), 120 min (320F), 150 min(300F)
“Forced air” –> 12 min (375F)
Advantage: Does not DULL SHARP EDGES, no corrosion
Disadvantages: LONG CYCLE time, poor penetration of heat to all surfaces, destroys heat sensitive materials, difficult to load evenly
Instrument processing:
-Unsaturated chemical vapor?
-20 min (270F)
Advantage: Short cycle time, DOESNT DULL SHARP EDGES, corrode carbon steel.
Disadvantages: Instruments must be DRY, chemical odor, destroys heat sensitive plastics
How is Sterilization Monitoring done?
1) Mechanical: Asses cycle time & temp w/ each cycle by observing gauges
2) Chemical indicators: Monitor sterilization parameters like time, temp, and pressure indicators on package that change color. (Placed in each package of each cycle)
3) Biological indicators: Heat resistant organisms (BACTERIAL ENDOSPORES) in vials or strops placed in a load at least weekly incubated along w/ control vial or strip. No growth = sterilization killed the spores
For dry heat sterilization at a temp of 320F, how long does it take to sterilize instruments?
-2 hours (120 min)
The minimum temp required for sterilization by autoclave is?
Regarding Record keeping what is kept in a log?
1) Date/cycle load
2) Duration & temp of cycle
3) General description of load
4) Operators name
5) Biological result for test & control spore
6) Repair & preventative maintenance log
What are examples of critical instruments?
1) Surgical instruments
2) scalpel blades
3) periodontal scalers
4) surgical dental burs
What are examples of semi-critical instruments?
1) Dental mouth mirrors
2) Amalgam condensers
3) dental handpieces
What are examples of noncritical instruments?
1) X-ray heads
2) Facebows
3) pulse oximeter
4) blood pressure cuff