11. Renal Embryology Flashcards
What layer produces the urinary system and parts of the genital system?
Intermediate mesoderm
What are the three sets of nephric structures in order of when they appear?
Pronephros –> mesonephros –> metanephros
What is the cloaca?
Common cavity that eventually separates into GI and urinary components
What do the mesonephric tubules go on to form?
Renal corpuscles (Bowman’s capsule)
What are the portions of the metanephros?
Ureteric bud: outgrowth of mesonephric duct
Metanephric blastema: from nephrogenic cord
Describe nephron development.
Metanephrogenic blastema forms metanephric vesicles. Vesicles elongate to form metanephric tubules. Proximal end forms glomerular capsule. Other end forms PCT, DCT, and nephron loop.
Where does the kidney’s get most of their vascularzation from?
Common iliacs and renal arteries from aorta
Embryologically what can cause a horseshoe kidney?
Fusion of inferior poles
What is the main difference between polycystic kidney disease and multicystic dysplastic kidney disease?
In multicystic dysplastic kidney disease, typically only one kidney is affected.
Describe the formation of the bladder.
From the distal hindgut, the urogenital sinus forms. Vesical part will form most of the bladder. Pelvic part will form neck of bladder. Phallic part will form spongy urethra or lining of vaginal vestibule.
What is the allantois? What does it become?
Fetal membrane developed from the hindgut that feeds into the bladder. It eventually closes to form urachus and extends to the umbilicus. Leads to formation of median umbilical ligament.
What is exstrophy of the bladder?
Defective closure of ventral abdominal wall. Mucosa of posterior wall of the bladder is exposed.
What is epispadias?
Urethral opening is on the dorsum of the genital tubercle rather than on its ventral side.
What is the difference between an urachal cyst, sinus, and fistula?
Cyst: remnant of urachus that becomes can become infected or enlarged
Sinus: end of urachus remains open unto bladder or umbilicus
Fistula: entire urachus remains patent, allowing urine to escape via umbilical orifice.
What layers form the supradrenal medulla and cortex?
Medulla: NCC
Cortex: somatic mesoderm (migrate from urogenital ridge)