1.1 Overview of Phil OB & Anatomy of Female Reproductive System Flashcards
Death due to accidental or incidental causes not related to pregnancy.
Non-maternal death
female homologue of gubernaculum testis
round ligament
In stillbirth, fetus should not be an abortus. (True or False)
mullerian duct counterpart in males
wolffian duct
Fetal Death Rate is also known as?
Stillbirth Rate
epithelium is thin and focal cornification may develop
hymen after menopause
The main ligamentary support (anterior most ligament)
Cardinal or Transverse Cervical or Mackenrodt Ligament
Vaginal pH before puberty?
6.8 - 7.2 (vaginitis is common to children)
greatest distance between linea terminallis on either side
transverse diameter (Normal value > 13.5 cm)
Define abortus.
Weight: < 20 weeks
Gestational age is measured from the 1st day of what? and expressed in what?
Last menstrual period; completed in days or weeks (common: weeks)
Urogenital diaphragm is consists of?
deep transverse perineal muscles constrictors of urethra internal and external fascial coverings
fat-filled cushion that lies over the symphysis pubis
mons pubis/ mons veneris
common site of ectopic pregnancy
Obstetrics is an art of science that deals with what? (4)
delivery, pregnancy, labor, and puerperium
DOH initiatives for safe motherhood
re establish the REFERRAL SYSTEM thru local health system development - Inter local health zone
shortest distance conjugate
Obstetrical conjugate (> 10cm)
Mucous membrane in appearance but are covered by stratified squamous epithelium. also devoid of hair follicles
Labia minora
Major cause of maternal mortality according to 2004 national data?
Upper portion of vagina is formed from the?
Mullerian duct
Corpus : Cervix ratio of Multipara?
Infant: 1/3 : 2/3 Young virgin/ nullipara: 1/2 : 1/2 Multipara: 2/3 : 1/3
These are aggregations of veins and corresponds to the angle of the corpus spongiosum of the penis
Vestibular bulbs
Define neonatal period.
From birth up to 28 completed days
Perineal body is a central tendon of perineum contibuted from these structures EXCEPT A. Superficial Transverse Perineal Muscles B. Deep Transverse Perineal Muscles C. Bulbocavernosus muscles D. External Anal Sphincter
A tubular, musculo-membraneous structure. Organ of copulation
what are the 6 openings of the female vestibule?
urethral opening (1) vagina (1) ducts of bartholin’s glands (2) duct of paraurethral glands/ skene glands (2)
condition in which the vaginal orifice is occluded completely; there is also bluish discoloration due to blood
Imperforate hymen
Compute for AOG and EDC. LMP = 07/31/12
AOG = 17 weeks and 3 days EDC = May 8, 2013 DO NOT FORGET YUNG DATE TOM AH!! OB EXAM: JULY 29, 2013!!!
positioned external to the pelvic diagram
urogenital diagram
To compute for EDC, we use what rule?
Naegel’s rule
In computing for EDC using the the rule discussed in our class, how many months and days were subtracted or added?
subtract 3 months from LMP and add 7 days (Naegel’s Rule)
According to WHO, 1/5 of perinatal mortality rate is attributable to what kind of disease?
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA)
In computing for gestational age, the 1st day of LMP is counted. (true or false)
false; 1st day of LMP = day 0 = not counted
What is the Millenium Development Goal for PMR?
decrease PMR to 8/1000 in 2015
most common pelvic shape (50%)
Formula of FDR weight specific?
(Fetal deaths >= 1000g/ total births >= 1000g) x 1000
Compulsory reporting of births and deaths to local civil registry
Civil Registry Law (RA 3753)
clitoris is homologous to what male organ?
male penis
Perinatal mortality rate is highest among?
pregnant women with a preceding birth interval less than 15 months
Define low birthweight, very low birth weight and extemely low birth weight?
Low BW: <2500
Very Low: <1500
Extremely low: <1000
Less than 20 weeks is not included in the perinatal period because?
Still an abortus.
define early neonatal death
death within day 1-7
comprised mainly of elastic and collagenous connective tissue with no glandular nor muscular elements
Death of fetus prior to delivery; no signs of life are present at or after birth.
Death of women during pregnancy, while pregnant or within 42 days after termination from any cause related to or aggravated by pregnancy or its management but NOT from any accidental or incidental causes.
Maternal Death
Labia majora is richly supplied with sebaceous glands and plexus of veins. (True or false)
main blood supply of pelvis
internal iliac artery
Major cause of maternal mortality according to POGS
CBR in the Phil?
of live births per 1000 aged 15-44 years.
Fertility Rate
Define post-term (weeks)
> 42 weeks
Uterus weight of term pregnant?
Hymen richly supplied with nerve fibers. (t/F)
Define Perinatal Period.
Commences at 20 weeks and ends 28 completed days after birth.
At 40 weeks 39 weeks of pregnancy, can the baby still be delivered term?
Yes. Term is 37-42 weeks.
extends from the sacroiliac synchondrosis to the ilio-pectineal prominence on the opposite side of the pelvis
oblique diameter
distance from the upper margin of the pubis to the sacral promontory
true/anatomic conjugate (Normal value = 11cm)
Fertility rate in the Phil?
Maternal Mortality ratio formula?
(# of maternal deaths/ live births or total births) x 100 000
An abortus still requires a death certificate or birth certificate. (True or Flase)
External Generative organ is also known as?
Pudendal or vulva
Uterus’ fundus is positioned towards the bladder.
Anteverted uterus
Fetal death rate may be weight specific. (T/F)
Describe the hymen in newborns.
very vascular and redundant due to maternal estrogen
Vaginal pH of adults?
An indicator of state of medical care of society.
Perinatal Mortality Rate
only conjugate that can be measured during internal exam
Diagonal conjugate (Normal value: > 11.5 cm)
Define term (weeks)
37-42 weeks
Define Late Maternal Death
Maternal Death > 42 days but < 1 year after termination of pregnancy
principal erogenous organ of female
Has many sebaceous glands and sweat glands (T/F)
False, only FEW sweat glands
Refers to a systematic study of vital events
Vital statistics
Describe the hymen in pregnant women.
epithelium is thick and tissue is rich in glycogen
catches the egg after ovulation
Birth is the complete expulsion/extraction of a fetus from its mother, taking into account that the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is still attached. (True or false)
FALSE; REGARDLESS if the umbilical cord has bee cut or the placenta is still attached.
Death resulting from OB complications of pregnant state, intervention, omissions or incorrect treatment
Direct OB death
A science concerned with all aspects of human reproduction and the health of women and their babies.
Uterus weight of non-preggy?
homologous to the male scrotum
labia majora
used as landmark in assessing the level to which the presenting part of the fetus has descended
pelvic midplane
Part of the oviduct that is the most dilated part, where the egg stays while waiting to be fertilized.
Define Pre-term (in weeks).
< 37 completed weeks
Indicates the state of health of the community and success of failure of health work.
Statistics of disease or death
Commences at 20 weeks and ends 28 completed days after birth.
Perinatal Period
lower portion of the vagina is formed from the?
urogenital sinus
Death resulting from previous existing diseases that develop during pregnancy and which was not due to direct OB causes but which was aggravated by physiological effects of pregnancy.
Indirect OB death.
define late neonatal death
death within day 8 to day 28
In computing for PMR, the numerator is?
fetal deaths + neonatal deaths
Number of live births per 1000 population.
Birth Rate/Crude Birth Rate
Levator ani + coccygeus muscles
pelvic diagram