11 - Olympic Lifting for Performance Enhancement Flashcards
What are the Olympic lifts?
Snatch and clean and jerk
What are some Olympic lift derivatives and why are they popular?
power snatch, power clean, snatch and clean pulls.
They are popular because there are many athletes who cannot reach the deep positions for the traditional Olympic lifts and help to prevent injuries.
What are some of the variables that can be used for specificity during training?
velocity of movement
force of contraction
muscle fiber recruitment
movement pattern
muscle contraction type
region of movement
biomechanical adaptation
What are some of the qualities needed to enhance explosive power?
maximum strength
high-load speed
low-load speed strength
rate of force production
reactive strength
skill performance
power endurance.
What to parts of Olympic lifts are the most powerful?
second pull phase of the snatch and power snatch exhibit the highest power outputs of any resistance training exercise.
What is maximum strength?
Strength is usually defined as the ability to exert a force against a resistance. Maximum strength is therefore the greatest amount of force generated, typically measured during a 1-repetition maximum (1RM).
What is reactive strength?
Reactive strength is a ready response to a stimulus that would be the necessary strength in response to some sort of stimulus, be it physical, visual, auditory, etc.
What is power endurance?
An athlete’s ability to sustain high power output for an extended period of time. Athletes with exceptional power endurance might be 400m sprinters, 400m hurdlers, individual medley swimmers, or wrestlers, for example.
When are the highest forces generated during contactions?
Slow contraction velocities
Low load lifts can be lifted at what type of contraction velocity?
low loads = high velocity
What is a neutral spine?
A posture in which no exaggeration of any of the normal curvatures of the spine is present.
What is the universal athletic position?
standing one-quarter squat with feet flat, weight on the balls of the feet, hips back, knees over the toes, shoulders over the knees and a neutral spine.
How can Olympic lifting improve the universal athletic position?
By improving the first and second pull of the lifts.
What is the hip hinge?
Hip hinge
The concept of the hip hinge can be described as the spine remaining stiff and neutral while movement occurs about the hip joint.
What testing metric is best correlated to strong athletic performance?
vertical jump
Does plyometrics or Olympic lifting translate to better vertical jump or athletic performance?
Olympic lifts
the literature consistently provide evidence that the Olympic lifts improve rate of force development, high-load speed strength, maximum strength, explosive power and vertical jump performance using movement patterns similar to many sports skills. The combination of all these factors will undoubtedly improve sports performance.
What are the maximum angles for ankle dorsiflexion, knee flexion and hip flexion?
ankle dorsiflexion: 20
knee flexion: 135
hip flexion: 120
If full mobility is not able to be achieved, which lifts should be performed instead of the snatch and clean?
The power clean and power snatch
Drawing in use what type of stabilizers?
local stabilizers
An abdominal brace uses what type of stabilizers?
global stabilizers
What should be done with the shoulders and lats prior to start Olympic lifts?
scapular retraction and squeezing the lats which will keep the upper spine, gleno-humeral joint in optimal position and keep the bar close to the body.
What is perturbation?
A disturbance in motion that increases the chance of a breakdown in the HMS.
What type of training can be done to help prevent perturbation?
stabilization training
What planes do the Olympic lifts mainly move in?
The frontal and sagittal planes.
If the gluteus maximus is weak, what takes over?
The hamstrings, lumbar extensors and the hip extensors.
What are the steps to the snatch?
Snatch grip on the barbell (outside of shoulder width)
1. The first pull
2. The shift or scoop
3. The top pull
4. The amortization and catch
What lift is displayed?
The snatch
What lift is displayed?
Clean and jerk
When is the power clean a good option?
when full squat depth cannot be achieved. Allows for faster speed development, while not requiring same leg development.
What are the steps to a power clean?
Get Set First Pull
Top pull
The catch
What are the steps to a hang clean?
Get Set First Pull (with the bar at or just below the knees)
Top pull
The catch
What is the snatch deadlift?
Wide grip deadlift that incorporates the fire pull and shift for snatch and clean.
How to fix trunk flexion (rounded back) compensations?
due to inner unit instability or weak trunk extensors. The remedy for trunk flexion during these actions is to actively engage the local and global stabilizers (the stability cues of the pelvic floor and the abdominal brace) and retract the scapulae prior to initiating the movements
How to fix lumbar extension (anterior pelvic tilt) compensations?
due to overactive lumbar spinal extensors, weak trunk flexors or both combined with tight hip flexors. This posture would also put disproportionate stress on the hamstrings as hip extensors.
The other way to maintain neutral spinal position and avoid lumbar extension is to use the stability cues. Always cue up the pelvic floor, obliques, then scapula prior to lifting.
How to fix lumbar extension (anterior pelvic tilt) compensations?