11: Management Flashcards
What % of Australia’s coastline resides 50km within the coastline?
What does the longest tide gauge in Australia indicate about future climate conditions?
Gradual SLR and increasing storm occurence
What decade saw major storm events successively?
What are 5 coastal hazards arising from SLR?
1) Submergence of land
2) enhanced flooding
3) erosion of land and beaches
4) salinisation of soil groundwater and surface water
5) loss and change in marine and coastal ecosystem
6) Impeded drainage
What are 5 direct impacts of coastal hazards?
1) loss of land and land uses
2) loss of coastal and marine ecosystem services
3) damage to people
4) damage to built environment
5) Damage to human activities``
Why is modelling the impacts of SLR around Australia so difficult?
Because the coastline features so many different environments and conditions
Which level of government has the most power when it comes to governing the environment/managing plans?
State government
What is the main thing that the federal government can do when it comes to environmental management
Provide guidance and steer states to certain areas of interest
How can the federal government provide guidance?
Carry out a parliamentary enquiry regarding an area of environmental interest so that discussion around this topic increases and the states are forced to act
What is an example enquiry that the federal government conducted?
The Climate Change Risks to Australia’s Coast
What did the The Climate Change Risks to Australia’s Coast enquiry investigate?
The potential effects of 1m sea level rise around Australia
What is the main purpose of the Environment Protection and Biodiversiy Conservation Act?
Ensures that all state in Australia are adhering and contributing towards the international treaties that the federal government has agree to on the international stage
When was the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act?
What are 5 examples state (NSW) legislation acts and the date they were introduced?
Local Government Act (1993) Crown Lands Act (1989) Threatened Species Act (1995) Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (1979) Noxious Weeds Act (1993)
What is the potential problem with so many pieces of environmental legislation?
It means that there are a lot of hoops that plans need to jump through before it is implemented. This means that eventhough a plan might be a good idea it might be tripped up by not meeting to conditions of one piece of legislation
What are 3 example state policies?
Local Environmental Plan
State Environmental Planning Policy
NSW Coastal Policy
What is the difference between legislation and policies?
Legislation must be followed whereas policies are an intended course of action to work towards
When was the NSW Coastal Policy implemented?
What were 4 focuses of the NSW Coastal Policy?
1) Set context for population and economic growth in coastal zone
2) Precautionary principle
3) Inter-generational equity
4) Conservation of biological diversity and ecological integrity
5) Foreshadowed concern about climate change
What was the precautionary principle in the NSW Coastal Policy?
If there is a threat of environmental damage then lack of full scientific certainty regarding this threat is not a reason to postpone action
What happened regarding the NSW Coastal Policy in 2010?
Reforms were made because the initially proposed policy was perceived to be overly focused on future hazards and did not adequately consider local immediate concerns
What were the initial SL projections in the NSW Coastal Policy that were perceived as insignificant and why was this?
0.4m rise by 2050 and 0.9m by 2100. There was not enough confidence in these targets
What were the main reforms to the NSW Coastal Policy in 2010?
Allowing landowners to make individual decisions to protect properties themselves
Local government given a greater role to ensure that the individuals adhered to this.
What was the local government perspective on the revised NSW Coastal Policy in 2010?
They did not like how it now meant they had too much responsibility - before the state level measures made it easier for local councils to implement targets. Now they had to put their thinking caps on
What was an act that shortly followed the NSW Coastal Policy and what did it involve?
Coastal Management Act - this involved production of a coastal management manual that featured a guided 5-stage process in terms of how to execute/implement management plans
What was the name of the Illawarra Coastal Management plan that followed the revised NSW Coastal Policy?
Wollongong City Council Coastal Zone Management Study
What was a main employed tool in the Wollongong City Council Coastal Zone Management Study?
Bruun Rule
What were the two accompanying projects to the Wollongong City Council Coastal Zone Management Study?
1) framework for assessing risk and adaptation to climate change on Australian coasts
2) Coastal urban climate futures
What rank is Collaroy-Narrabeen beach in Australia in regards to coastal erosion?
Outline the history of Collaroy-Narrabeen beach
1906 = land division policies 1945 = first evidence of the major coastal erosion that might happen 1967 = sea wall created 1974 = major storm period and major coastal protection services implemented 2007 = major erosion event 2016 = major erosion events
When was the Narrabeen Coastline Management plan created?
What were the 4 aspects of the Narrabeen Coastline Management Plan?
Protective works
Environmental planning measures
Development control
Dune management
Outline the protective works aspect of the Narrabeen Coastline Management Plan
Replace the then ad-hoc sea wall with a new sea wall along the coast
What was the protective works plan met wit and when?
Protest from local community in 2002 who preferred softer management strategies
What did the 2002 Narrabeen protestors want as part of softer management?
Beach nourishment and dune restoration
What was the environmental planning measure aspect of the Narrabeen Coastline Management Plan?
Selective voluntary purchase/open space acquisition of areas along the coastline that were at risk.
What problem has been encountered with selective land purchasing along the Narrabeen beach coastline?
Only 2 properties purchased so far because this is an expensive area of land
What was the development control aspect of the Narrabeen Coastline Management Plan?
Guidelines featured different lines along the beach that were separated based upon each area corresponding to a different degree of risk
What was the dune management aspect of the Narrabeen Coastline Management Plan?
Beach nourishment, sand replenishment, dune re-vegetation, and prioritising public safety throughout
What was another potential management plan for Narrabeen?