Eukaryotic cells, in contrast to viruses and bacteria, contain relatively large amounts of DNA organized into nucleaosomes and present during most of the cell cycle as….
chromatin fibers
A stretch of DNA that repeats many times in a Genome. More than 50% of the genome consists of this….
repetitive DNA
Can be used as genetic markers (such as in finger-printing)
repetitive DNA
term for highly repetitive DNA
Satalite DNA
-5% of the genome, viable and short
in situ molecular hybridization defines what type of repetitive DNA
Satalite DNA
-5% of the genome, viable and short
terms middle repetitive DNA
Tandom repeats and interspersed retrotransposons
What are the three tandom repeats?
What are there genetic markers?
middle repetitive DNA = Tandom repeats and interspersed retrotransposons
Tandom repeats:
- multi - rRNA
- mini - VNTRs
- micro- STRs
What are the two interspersed retrotransposons?
What are there genetic markers?
middle repetitive DNA = Tandom repeats and interspersed retrotransposons
interspersed retrotransposons:
- SINEs - Alu
- LINEs - L1`
of the two interspersed retrotransposons which is more abundant in the genome?
LINEs 21%
SINEs are only 13%
Multiple copies of genes present in multiple numbers in the genome, termed
multi tandom repeats (rRNAs)
in this region, motifs of 10-60bp are repeated 5-50 times, is termed
mini tandom repeats (VNTRs)
1-6bp repeating 5-50x
micro tandom repeats (STRs)
short interspersed nuclear elements that are non-coding 100-700bp in length
SINEs (interspersed retrotransposons middle repetitive DNA)
Long interspersed nuclear elements of 7,000 bp
LINEs (interspersed retrotransposons middle repetitive DNA)
What are the uses of the following genetic markers
- rRNA
- STRs
- rRNA - taxonomy
- VNTRs - Finger-printing
- STRs - comparing loci
VNTRs a middle tandem repeat under micro repetative sequences stands for ….
Viable No Tandem Repeats
What are the uses of the following genetic markers
- Alu
- L1
- Alu - movement/ ancestry in human populations
2. L1 - identifies L1 insertion in any DNA samples
How are STRs used to identify individuals?
to compare specific loci on DNA from multiple samples, it is stable and predictable
micro satellite which can be amplified by PCR without mixing other genes in ordegrading it?
Short tandem repeats, STRs
Where is Satellite DNA found
Heterochromatin, in the centromeres/ telomeric regions.
- large amounts of non-coding tandomly repeating sequences
- 5%
“Jumping genes”, found throughout the genome in single copies making up 45%, termed