11/4 Anatomy Lab Flashcards
The tough outer coverering of the menengies of the brain (two layers in the brain)
Dura Matter
The layer of the menengies that is closer to the bone in the brain
Periosteal layer
the layer of the dura matter that is closer to the brain
Meningeal layer
The dural fold that seperates the right and left cerebral hemispheres
Falx cerebri
The dural fold that supports the cerebrum to keep it from crushing the underlying cerebellum
Tentorium cerebelli
the dura fold that separates right and left cerebellar lobes under the tentorium
Falx Cerebelli
Supplies the meninges and overlying calvaria (rupture causes epidural hematoma). splits into frontal and parietal branches
middle meningeal artery
The middle layer of the menegies, closer to the brain
arachnoid mater
The space between the arachnoid and the pia matter, and the space that is filled with CSF
subarachnoid space
The protrusions of the arachnoid matter into the venous sinus to lose CSF to venous
arachnoid villi
The most intimate layer of the meneges
Pia mater
The venous return of the outside of the brain
Dura Venous sinuses
the sinus along the top of the falx cerebri
superior sagital sinus
The sinus along the bottom of the falx cerebri
inferior sagital sinus
The sinus that connects the inferior sagital sinus to the confluence of sinuses
straight sinus
the sinus from the foraman magnum up to the confluence of sinuses.
occipital sinus
the sinus that originates at the confuence of sinuses and travels lateral to either side to the begining of the sinusoid sinuses
Transverse sinus
The sinus from the transverse sinus around and down to the bulbs of the IJVs
sigmoid sinus
The point were the transvers sinuses and the superior sagital sinus and straight sinus converge!
confluence of sinuses
The sinus along the top of the bony ridge from the cavernous sinus to the sigmoid sinus
superior petrosal sinus
the sinous along the bottom of the bony ridge from the cavernous sinus to the sigmoud sinus
inferior petrosal sinus
exits at a self titled foramen inferior and posterior to the petrous part of the temporal bone
internal jugular vein
The sinus taht encircles the carotid arteries and the pituitary gland
cavernous sinus
The superior area of the brain!!
the hills and vallies of the brain
cerebral gyri and sulci
The superior section of the brain, anterior the central sulcus, and superior the lateral sulcus
frontal lobe
The section of the cerebrum from the central sulcus back to the occipital lobe.
parietal lobe
The posterior most section of the cerebrum
occipital lobe
the cerebrum from the lateral sulcus lateral and inferior.
temporal lobe
The deep groove that separates the two hemispheres of the vertebrate brain.
longitudinal cerebral fissure
the fissure that sepertes that frontal and parietal lobes
central sulcus
The fissure that seperates the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobe
lateral sulcus
region of the brain that plays an important role in motor control and is located inferior and posterior the cerebrum
The section of the brain made up of the midbrain, pons, and medulla
the top of the brain stem
the middle of the brain stem that bulges.
the base of the brainstem
A structure of the embryo that develops into the thalamus, hypothalamus and hypophysis
located in the forebrain superior to the midbrain, near the center of the brain
above the pituitary, and the turkish chair, by the thalams
Pea sized mass of tissue behind the third ventricle of the brain, produces melatonin
Pineal gland
Secretes FLAT PiG and other hormones
Pituitary gland
The anastimosis of the Anterior and posterior cerebral arteries through the posterior communicating artery
Cerebral arterial circle (of Willis)
Anterior communicating artery
Posterior Communicating artery
Internal carotid artery
opthalmic artery
anterior cerebral artery
middle cerebral artery
Vertebral artery
Basilar artery
posterior inferior cerebellar artery “PICA”
Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
Superior cerebellar artery
Posterior cerebral artery
Olfactory nerve (cribriform foramina); CN I
Optic nerve (Optic canal) CNII
Oculomoter nerve (superior orbital fissure); CN III
Trochlear nerve (superior orbital fissure) CN IV
ophtalmic division of trigeminal nerve (superior orbital fissure) CN V, V1
maxillary division of trigeminal nerve (foraman ovale), CN V, V2
Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve (Foramen ovale) CN V, V3
abducens Nerve (superior orbital fissure); CN VI
Facial nerve (internal acoustic meatus) CN VII
Vestibulocochlear nerve (internal acoustic meatus) CN VIII
Glossopharyngeal nerve (jugular foramen) CN IX
vagus nerve (jugular foramen) CN X
Spinal Accessory Nerve (Jugular foramen) CN XI
Hypoglossal nerve (hypoglossal canal) CN XII
Cribriform Foramina. (CNI)
Optic canal. (CN II, opthalmic artery)
Superior orbital fissure. CN III,IV,V-1, VI, Superior ophthalmic vein
Foramen Rotundum. CN V-2
Foramen ovale. CN V-3, lesser petrosal nerve (CN IX)
Foramen Lacerum
Carotid Canal. (internal carotid artery, carotid plexius of nerves)
Petrous part of the temporal bone.
Greater and lesser petrosal hiata (associated nerves)
Foreman spinosum (middle meningeal artery)
Sella turcica (Pituitary gland)
Internal acoustic meatus (CN VII, CN VIII, Labyrinthine artery)
Jugular Foramen (CN IX, X, XI, Sigmoid Sinus
Hyposlossal canal. CN XII
Foramen magnum (spinal cord, vertebral arteries, CN XI)
Levator palpebrae superioris muscle
superior oblique muscle
superior rectus muscle
medial rectus muscle
lateral rectus muscle
inferior rectus muscle
inferior oblique muslce
Artery arises from the internal carotid and suplies the eye!
Opthalmic artery
drains the eye to the cavernous sinus
superior opthalmic vein
paired almond shaped glands, one for each eye that secrete tha aqueous layer of the tear film upper, outer portion of each orbit.
lacrimal gland