105 - Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Flashcards
count 0-9 in phonetic numerals
zero wun too tree fo-war fife six seven niner
phonetic alphabet
Alfa Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whisky X-ray Yankee Zulu
What is the proper use of Prowords?
- not to be substituted for texts
- pronounceable words or phrases assigned meaning to expedite message handling
What are the 3 methods of communications, if oral comms is not reliable?
- special (warning: rifle/gun shot, horn, siren…)
- arm and hand (transmit command or information)
- whistle (as a rule only three whistle signals are used)
What are the 3 types of whistle comms and their meaning?
- 1 short blast: come to attention
- 1 long blast: cease fire
- 3 long blasts: Inbound tank/aircraft/etc…
Discuss the terms “Nature” and “Purpose” as they relate to Command and Control.
- exercise of authority and direction by a designated CDR over assigned forces in the accomplishment of the mission.
- planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling of forces and operations from a high level.
- translate ideas into actions.
- OODA Loop [Observe, Orient, Decide, Act]
Discuss the terms “Nature,” “Purpose,” and “Support to Operating Forces” as they relate to Naval Intelligence.
Nature: - strategic (military planning), - operational (regional data), - tactical (enemy data) Purpose: - support commander - ID vulnerabilities - protect forces Support to Operating Forces: provides - tactical info - operational info - strategic info
What are the fundamentals of Naval Intelligence?
K - Know Enemy A - Available A - Accurate R - Relevant U - Usable T - Thorough T - Timely
What are the steps of Intelligence Cycle?
Planning and Direction: ID and prioritize info requirements.
Collection: Gather info to support decision making.
Processing: Conversion of info into usable intelligence.
Production: Analysis of info from all sources into intel.
Dissemination: Give intel When/Where/How it is needed.
Who developed Communication Plans?
Communications Officer, based on mission requirements and in the voice for the command and commander.
What are the 3 characteristics of a comms plan?
- flexible
- uncomplicated
- reliable
What is OPLAN order?
- Operational Plan that outlines the operation
What is an OPORD?
- Operational order that executes OPLAN
What is a WARNORD?
Warning order, which advises a patrol of the friendly/enemy situation, mission of the patrol, weapons, uniforms, equipment, COC, time, tasks, and communications.
What is a FRAGO?
Fragmentary order changes the OPLAN that is in effect.
What is an EXORD?
Execute order; Initiate military operations.
What is a DEPORD?
Deployment order that allows the deploying of military forces to deploy with another force.
What is CONOPS?
Concept of Operation; Brief of current informations.
What are the message “precedence,” “indicator,” and “speed of service”?
- Routine (R) 6 hours
- Priority (P) 3 hours
- Immediate (O) 30 minutes
- Flash (Z) 10 minutes
- Flash Override (W) 3 minutes
When is Two-Person Integrity (TPI) necessary?
When transferring Crypto and TS material.
Describe the term ACCESS.
The ability to access classified information.
Describe the term CLASSIFICATION.
Determination of a piece of information classification.
Describe the term COMPROMISE.
Confirmed exposure of classified information.
Describe the term NEED TO KNOW.
Determination made by an authorized holder of classified information that a prospective recipient requires access to specific classified information.
Formal determination that a person meets the personnel security standards and is eligible for access to classified information other than that protected in a special access program.
What are the types of clearance?
- Confidential
- Secret
- TS
When would the term MINIMIZE be said over communications?
When the whole line is needed to reduce message traffic, to reduce delay to vital information.
What is EEFI?
- Essential Elements of Friendly Information
- bits of information that when pieced together can release information.
What are the EEFI Codes? (6 BEADWINDOW Categories)
Position: friendly/enemy position or movement
Capabilities: F/E abilities/limitations, force composition/ID
Operations: F/E OPS, intentions, progress, results
Electronic Warfare: F/E EW intentions, progress, results
Personnel: F/E key personnel & movement of flag Officers
COMSEC: F/E COMSEC breaches or change in frequency
Wrong Circuit: Inappropriate transmission
word that alerts receiver of breach of classified information.
What is the response given by receiver when BEADWINDOW is heard?
Roger out
What is the range of HF frequency?
- Long range
- 3-30 MHz
- Point-to-Point, Ship-to-Shore, Ground-to-Air, Fleet broadcast.
What is the range of VHF frequency?
- 30-300 MHz
- SATCOM (Satellite Communications)
- Ideal for amphibious OPS (beach landing from sea craft)
What is the range of UHF frequency?
- 300 MHz-3 GHz
- tactical communications (generally with aircraft and SATCOM (Satellite Communications))
What is SATCOM?
- SATCOM (Satellite Communications)
- Comms that have worldwide coverage and not affected by the same factors as radio.
Discuss the contents of CEOI.
Communications Electronic Operating Instructions:
- general comms instructions
- call sign assignments
- frequency assignments
- general cryptographic instructions
- passwords/challenge
- general authentication instructions
- effective cryptographic key lists/authentication tables
List and describe watch stations within the TOC:
S-1: ADMIN Officer S-2: Intel Officer S-3: OPS Officer TOC Watch Officer Journal Clerk Communications Chief Communicators Messengers/Security Plotters NBC/CBR Officer Unit Movement Control Center (UMCC) Officer
Types of circuits and nets:
Tactical - voice circuits used at sea
ADMIN - Harbor comms
Directed - need permission from the NECOS
Free - no permission required
What is SF 153?
Form that documents how comms gear is received and destroyed.
What is Naval Message and the purpose of the Date Time Group (DTG) on it?
- formal message
- acts as a filing system
Date Time Group (DTG) 140730ZMAR18
- Date
- Time
- Time Zone (San Diego is “T”)
- Month
- Year
Define the following toes of Control: OPCON TACON ADCON COCOM
OPCON - Operational Control - at or below COCOM.
TACON - Tactical Control - Command authority over assigned or attached forces or commands.
ADCON - ADMIN Control - Direction or exercise of authority over subordinate or other organizations in respect to ADMIN and support.
COCOM - Coordinating Command - Coordinate functions/activities between two or more services or forces of the same services.
What is a OPREP 3 Navy Blue?
A report to the CNO of high Navy Interest
What the use of email?
Informal message
What factors effect radio comms?
- weather
- terrain
- power of antenna
- radio position
- interference
- line of sight
- human factor