104 - Expeditionary First Aid Flashcards
What is the “immediate” TCCC triage category?
red tag, life-saving Sx req. w/chance of living
What is the Tx for Abdominal wound?
- requires emergency Sx
- Tx all other wounds
- cover and keep moist any protruding organs
What is the Tx for Eye injuries?
- assess eyes (PEARRL: Pupils Equal And Round, Regular in size, and react to Light)
- if possible, remove foreign object and flush the eye. (if object can’t be removed, cover with dressing and MEDEVAC)
What is line 4 in a 9-line MEDEVAC?
Line 4: Special equipment (A-none, B-hoist, C-extraction equipment, D-ventilator)
What is the Tx for Head wound?
- headache, double vision, loss of consciousness) Closed: - Tx for shock and MEDEVAC Open: - Tx wound - check for responsiveness - MEDEVAC
What are the types of burns?
- thermal
- electric
- chemical (flush with H2O and Tx as reg burn)
Cause/Tx of Cardiac Arrest
Cause: - the heart stops pumping due to... - shock (electric, hypovolemic, vasogenic, etc) - heart failure Tx: - CPR - AED defibrillator
What does MIST stand for and why is it used?
M - mechanism of injury I - injury type S - signs and symptoms T - treatment given - a report given upon 9-line MEDEVAC to denote Tx already provided.
What is the “delayed” TCCC triage category?
yellow tag, time-consuming or delayed Sx
Describe capillary bleeding.
- bleeding from capillaries
- dark red blood
- slowly oozes out
Symptoms and Tx of Shock:
Symptoms: pale/blotchy/blue/clammy skin, nervous, confusion, fast or shallow breathing, thirsty, N/V.
Tx: move to cover, out of sun, lay on back, elevate legs unless head/stomach wound or the leg is broken.
When is it appropriate to use tourniquet?
- as a last resort, if pressure dressing is not effective
- use if the only way to save life
- don’t loosen once applied
- mark time applied and “T” on a forehead
Describe 1st Degree Burn.
- outer layer of epidermis effected
- skin pink or red
What is line 5 in a 9-line MEDEVAC?
Line 5: Number of patients by type (A-letterborne, B-ambulatory)
Cause/Tx of Burns
Cause: (called scald if from a wet source) - fire - chemicals - electric current Tx: (depends on the degree of the burn and Rule of 9s assessment) - 1st Degree: cold compress, ointment - 2nd Degree: dressing, ATB, pain med - 3rd: Degree: dressing, IV, ATB (may not have pain due to nurse damage)
What is line 8 in a 9-line MEDEVAC?
Line 8: Patients nationality and status (A-US Mil, B-US Civ, C-non US Mil, D-non US Civ, E-EWP)
Describe 3rd Degree Burn.
- burn through dermis into muscle, fat and bone
- may not have pain due to nerve damage
- skin charred black and will be scarred
Describe venous bleeding.
- bleeding from veins
- dark red blood
- even and steady flow
Cause/Tx of Fractures
Cause: - jump landing - blasts - GSW Tx: Closed/Simple - immobilize with splint (get to MTF) Open/Compound - Tx wound and cover with bandage - immobilize with splint (get to MTF)
What is line 1 in a 9-line MEDEVAC?
Line 1: Grid coordinates of pick up location
Symptoms and Tx of Heat exhaustion.
Symptoms: - dizziness - N/V - heavy sweating - cold, clammy, pale skin - weak, rapid pulse - muscle cramps - headache Tx: - drink cold water - move to cool area - lay down and elevate legs - remove tight and heavy clothing
What are the steps of Tactical Field Care?
- secure and establish Casualty Collection Point (CCP) for triage and Tx.
- Tx patients in this order MARCH PAWS
M - massive hemorrhage
A - airway
R - respiration
C - chest
H - head/hypothermia
P - pain
A - antibiotics
W - wound
S - splint
Describe 2nd Degree Burn.
- burn through epidermis
- blisters (don’t pop)
- sever pain
What is the “minimal” TCCC triage category?
green tag, minor injuries, self/buddy Tx
What is the “expectant” TCCC triage category?
black tag, extensive wounds, unlikely to survive in ideal MTF
What is line 6 in a 9-line MEDEVAC?
Line 6: Number & types of wounds (peacetime); Security of pickup site (wartime: N-no EPAX, P-poss. EPAX, E-EPAX, X-armed escort req.)
The is it appropriate to use indirect pressure?
- used in conjunction with direct pressure and elevation, but no pressure dressing.
- apply on the pressure point next to the effected extremity (located between the heart and the wound).
What is included in 9 Line report?
Line 1: Grid coordinates of pick up location
Line 2: Radio Frequency and Callsign
Line 3: Patient precedence (A-urgent, B-urgent Sx, C-priority, D-routine, E-convinient)
Line 4: Special equipment (A-none, B-hoist, C-extraction equipment, D-ventilator)
Line 5: Number of patients by type (A-letterborne, B-ambulatory)
Line 6: Number & types of wounds (peacetime); Security of pickup site (wartime: N-no EPAX, P-poss. EPAX, E-EPAX, X-armed escort req.)
Line 7: Type of signal that will be used to ID the pickup site
Line 8: Patients nationality and status (A-US Mil, B-US Civ, C-non US Mil, D-non US Civ, E-EWP)
Line 9: Terrain (peacetime) CBR Contamination (wartime: N-nuclear, C-chemical, B-biological)
When is it appropriate to use pressure dressing?
- when direct pressure doesn’t help.
- apply firmly but not tourniquet tight.
What are the pressure points?
- temporal
- facial
- carotid
- subclavian
- brachial
- radial
- femoral
- popliteal
Describe arterial bleeding.
- bleeding from an artery
- bright red blood
- gushing out in spurts with a heartbeat
(if the wound is deep, blood will flow more steady but in large amounts and fast)
State the purpose of First Aid.
- prevent further injury
- prevent infection
- prevent death
Cause/Tx of Asphyxiation
Cause: - too little O2 - too much CO2 - too much CO - obstructed airway - drowning - collapsed lung - strangulation Tx: Open airway and O2
Discuss transporting victim using Arm carry.
- used for victim smaller than rescuer and not severely wounded.
What is the Tx for Chest wound?
- establish and maintain ABCs
- clean and dress the wound
- if lung collapsed, insert the needle at a 90* angle into 2nd intercostal space (between 2nd and 3rd rib)
- if pt has flail area, STABILIZE with dressing/pillow/pad
- place in a semi-sitting position
What is line 2 in a 9-line MEDEVAC?
Line 2: Radio Frequency and Callsign
Symptoms and Tx of Heat cramps.
Symptoms: - cramps Tx: - give cold water - direct pressure or massage the muscle, and stretch.
What are the TCCC triage categories?
- minimal (green tag, minor injuries, self/buddy Tx)
- delayed (yellow tag, time-consuming or delayed Sx)
- immediate (red tag, life-saving Sx req. w/chance of living)
- expectant (black tag, extensive wounds, unlikely to survive in ideal MTF)
Symptoms and Tx of Frostbite.
- ice crystal formation on skin and deep tissue in Temp below 32 Degrees F.
- re-warm by immersion into warm water, skin-to-skin, warm bottle.
- bandage, warm and clean
Cause/Tx of Hemorrhaging
Cause: - amputation - GSW - knife wound Tx: - direct pressure dressing - pressure points - tourniquet
What is the Rule of 9s for Burn victim?
- The rule of 9s assesses the % of burn.
- used to guide Tx decisions
- head/arm/chest/stomach/upper back/lower back - 9%
- leg - 18%
- groin - 1%
Discuss transporting victim using Fireman carry.
- use when victim is unconscious or unable to walk.
When is it appropriate to use direct pressure?
on any type of wound, except for open Fx or suspected Fx present)
Symptoms and Tx of Heat stroke.
Symptoms: - throbbing H/A - dizziness - uneven pupils - N/V - confusion - muscle weakness or cramps - rapid heartbeat - rapid shallow breathing - body Temp over 105* - hot, flush, dry skin Tx: - cool with damp towels or ice pack to groin, armpits, neck and back - move to a cold area - MEDEVAC
What are the types of Facial wounds?
- abrasion
- contusion
- laceration
- avulsion (tearing of tissue from body part)
What is line 7 in a 9-line MEDEVAC?
Line 7: Type of signal that will be used to ID the pickup site
Symptoms and Tx of Hypothermia.
Symptoms: - shivering - slurred speech - shallow and slow breathing - confusion - indifference to surroundings - death if Temp below 80* Tx: - warm, dry cloths - warm bath - deep breathing
Discuss transporting victim using Blanket drag.
- used when victim is larger than rescuer
Discuss transporting victim using Stokes stretcher.
- used for water-based rescue
What are the steps in Care Under Fire?
- Return fire.
- Tx major bleeding by applying a tourniquet.
- Move from the “X”, Tx patient and continue the mission.
What is line 3 in a 9-line MEDEVAC?
Line 3: Patient precedence (A-urgent, B-urgent Sx, C-priority, D-routine, E-convinient)
What is the special gauze used in the field to aid in control of bleeding?
Combat gauze
What is line 9 in a 9-line MEDEVAC?
Line 9: Terrain (peacetime) CBR Contamination (wartime: N-nuclear, C-chemical, B-biological)
Cause/Tx for Shock
- anaphylactic/EPI-pen
- hypovolemic/fluids, keep warm, legs up
- vasogenic/fluids, legs up, away from sun
- cardiogenic/CPR
- neurogenic/cool(warm), fluids, laying
- septic/MEDEVAC
What are the two type of Tactical Evacuation?
MEDEVAC - Medical evacuation to a Hospital or HQ
CASEVAC - Casualty eval. from one place to another.